Monday, December 30, 2019

Overing Fear in Our Daily Lives Strengthening Self Esteem

Who Moved My Cheese? I agree that fear does drive me everyday. From early in the morning until I go to bed at night. I m afraid if I stay in bed and don t go to work, I ll be fired. I m afraid if I don t pretend to like everyone at work that they won t like me. I m afraid that if I tell my boss what I really think of his idea, he ll find a way to fire me. I m afraid that if I don t attend the parent meeting at school, they will think I m a bad parent. These are just a few of the fears that run through my mind. Sometimes I wonder what life would be like to just tell people what I really think of them, instead of staying silent because I m afraid of what they ll think. Sometimes I wonder who I d be if I weren t afraid†¦show more content†¦I fear they will be disappointed and not be able to deal with it. I fear they will grow up and not use their minds, as they should. I fear them not choosing the right path. Most of all I fear they will not be happy with themselves. The fears I have about my children are some of my greatest fears. I do not want them to be unhappy. I have been at my mother in-laws house before, after a big dinner and I didn t want to help with the dishes because none my of sister in-laws would. But, I feared they would be angry with me if I didn t help, so I did. Had I told them what I really thought I might not have to ever go back there again or I might not even be married? Then that brings on another fear. Would I be all alone? Being alone is a terrible fear of mine. That is why I have five children. So I will never be alone when I get old. My greatest fear of all is the fear of dying. I used to think about it all the time. How would I die? When would I die? Would it be an easy death or violent? What happens to me after I die? Will people remember me? Will people think good or bad things about me? It seems almost obsessive, but really it s just a fear. I m sure a lot more people think about it than would admit. I don t think about it as much anymore. I just put it out of my head when it pops in. As I ve gotten older I have plenty of other thing to fear now. Since I have never been

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Descartes Relationship Between Mind and Body - 922 Words

In Meditation Six entitled â€Å"Concerning the Existence of Material Things, and Real Distinction between the Mind and Body†, one important thing Descartes explores is the relationship between the mind and body. Descartes believes the mind and body are separated and they are two difference substances. He believes this to be clearly and distinctly true which is a Cartesian quality for true knowledge. I, on the other hand, disagree that the mind and body are separate and that the mind can exist without the body. First, I will present Descartes position on mind/body dualism and his proof for such ideas. Secondly, I will discuss why I think his argument is weak and offer my own ideas that dispute his reasoning while I keep in mind how he might†¦show more content†¦This explains how a body can exist without a mind but does not explain how a mind can exist without a body. There is no example that shows where a mind exists on its own. God might be an example of this because he is a perfect, omnipotent, omniscient, infinite being who we would think must have a mind but to attribute a human mind to God would be anthropomorphizing him. In order to prove Descartes argument there should be an example of when a mind exists completely on its own. My second objection is related to how the mind is indivisible but the body is divisible which makes them different in nature and therefore different substances. For Descartes the body can be thought of as having parts such as a foot, leg, or arm that if the body were to lose one part it would still function the same. Also Descartes argues that the mind cannot be thought of as having parts. I believe the mind can be thought of as divisible. The mind can be thought of as having parts in several different ways. There is the subconscious part of the mind and the conscious part of the mind. The brain can also be divided into the left and right hemispheres that each control different things. It can also be divided into part such as personality and memories. Each of these can be thought of without the other. In today’s day in age it is even possible for a person to live with only one half of a brain and they still function like another human being. Therefore I argue the mind isShow M oreRelatedHow did Descartes Explain the Relationship between Mind and Body? 1092 Words   |  5 Pages Across the years, many scientists and philosophers believed that a human being is made up by mind and body (Radner, 1971). Some of them believed that the mind-soul is something different from the body and each of them works by themselves without any interaction between them (Radner, 1971). The other point of view said that body and mind works together as a unity and mutually influences each other and the result is the human being. 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His principle tenant, the famously quoted, â€Å"Cogito, ergo sum – I think, therefore I am,† reflects his core belief of thinking and of self-awareness as key to personal identity. Descartes was strongly influenced by Plato and Augustine. Descartes philosophical underpinnings can be understood as an extension of Plato and Augustine’sRead MoreDescartes: Shedding Light on the Mind Body Relationship Essay949 Words   |  4 Pagesexplain the distinction between the mind and body. They have tried to explain how the body affects the mind and how the mind affects the body and if they can exist without one another. The reason was to enlighten people in the attempt to replace faith in religion reasoning with proof of scientific facts and reasoning. One philosopher who stood out and developed this movement to shed light on the mind and body relationship was a French philosopher by the name of Descartes. His work called Meditation

Friday, December 13, 2019

Lindsey Weightman Electoral Process Conservative Free Essays

Green Party In groups, research the Political party you have selected: Local Election Follow a 4 year cycle. Not all councils vote at the same time. Councillors are elected ‘by thirds’ for a period of 4 years (One councillor being elected per year for 3 years, and no Local election in 4th year). We will write a custom essay sample on Lindsey Weightman Electoral Process Conservative or any similar topic only for you Order Now Who can stand for election? 21 years of age or over. British, Commonwealth or Republic of Ireland Citizen. Must be nominated by at least 10 registered electors of that constituency. If representing a party, consent must be gained. If you are not representing a party, you are classed as ‘Independent’.  £500 deposit when registering, refundable if you receive 5% or more of the vote. A prisoner serving 12 months or more in custody can not stand for election. Just for Local: An individual can stand if they are a member of a European Union Nation Candidate Selection Process If standing as an Independent representative, there is no selection procedures. Existing MPs are usually approved to stand when being re-elected. Political parties generally have more representatives than seats. Political parties vigorously select potential candidates to improve their chances of winning. The selection process is similar to selection for the Uniformed Public Services. Sift of C.V, personal statement, application form and aptitude tests. Local interviews sometimes take place. Shortlists consisting of only women have been known to take place. What do you think about this? Period of an election Mayors typically keep their post for 1 year. Councillors up to 4 years. MP’s up to 5 years. After these periods, they must either stand down or be re-elected. Types of voting Polling office, usually a church hall, school or a community centre. ‘First past the post’- an individual steps in to a booth and casts their vote anonymously by making an ‘X’ next to the candidate they wish to vote for. Postal voting. Voting by Proxy. Internet voting. In order to be a DEMOCRATIC society, the representatives who serve on our behalf both Locally and Nationally must be elected by the people of the Nation. General Election Maximum term for a parliament is 5 years, 3 weeks. Tends to occur every 3.5- 5 years. The Prime Minister decides when the election will be. Local and General 1-5 years depending on the position held: The party in power at the time decides when the election is to be held. (Within a 5 year period). Party in power has the chance to change things just prior to the election- generally things like lowering taxes. Why would they do that? Superior funding for larger parties such as Labour and Conservative. Independents and smaller parties are at a disadvantage. Influence of Political parties Political campaigning TASK Create a Political Poster for your party (Chosen at the start of the session) Other ways of campaigning: Tv Radio Newspapers Posters Personal interviews Public meetings Leaflet distribution First Past the Post (Westminster and Local Elections) Additional Member System (Scottish Parliament, Welsh Assembly and Greater London Assembly) Supplementary Vote (Mayor of London) Single Transferable Vote (Northern Irish Assembly) List System (European Parliament) Different election processes Basis of British electoral system Very clear cut and well defined Candidate with highest number of votes wins FPTP is used in both general and local elections First past the post Advantages of First past the post It allows decisive political change. By providing an outright winner, the system ensures that a party has a mandate to carry out its programme. Easy for the voter to understand. Strong links between MP and constituents, due to single member constituencies. Strong single party governments. The winning Party may not have won the overall majority of votes cast. The chance of anomalous results is increased. Encourages the tactical voting technique, known as ‘com promising’. Disadvantages of First  past the Post Voters must rank candidates on the ballot paper in order of preference If a candidate receives 50% or more of the first preferences, they are elected If not then the candidate with the lowest number of first choices is eliminated and their second choices distributed to other This continues until one candidate has a clear majority The Alternative vote Ensures the winner has a majority Strong bond between candidates and constituents is maintained Removes issue of wasted votes Extreme left or right wing parties would be unlikely to get enough support to be elected Does not give parties proportion of seats there votes have earned Time consuming and more complex than FPTP. This is a system which tries to match the proportion of votes cast with the proportion of seats a party receives For example, under PR, if you received 35% of the vote you should get 35% of the seats in parliament Represents wishes of voters as a whole Minority parties end up with fairer share of seats Increases opportunities for independents Can be difficult if no party has clear majority Can lead to unstable coalition governments Proportional representation TASK 2 As a member of the coalition government you have been tasked by the Cabinet to look at the various electoral processes available after Liberal Democrat election promises to reform the voting system in the UK. The leaflet will then be distributed to the general public. This is a highly controversial subject as Conservatives promised not to reform the voting system whilst Liberal Democrats vowed to make the system fairer. As such your leaflet needs to be as descriptive and in depth as possible so that the public can form their own opinion on which voting system they prefer. In the form of a leaflet you should: Explain electoral processes used in UK elections (P3) and Compare the electoral processes used at different levels of government in the UK (M2). GUIDELINES FOR ASSESSMENT TASK 2 When explaining the electoral process for P3, learners only need to include one election process and ensure that they clearly identify to which level of government it relates. The explanation should be detailed in its content and will be expected to identify the complete process from the initial application to stand for election to the declaration of the vote, including the voting system that is used. Evidence for M2 must include a comparison of the election process for the elected representatives for at least two levels of government. How to cite Lindsey Weightman Electoral Process Conservative, Essays Lindsey Weightman Electoral Process Conservative Free Essays Green Party In groups, research the Political party you have selected: Local Election Follow a 4 year cycle. Not all councils vote at the same time. Councillors are elected ‘by thirds’ for a period of 4 years (One councillor being elected per year for 3 years, and no Local election in 4th year). We will write a custom essay sample on Lindsey Weightman Electoral Process Conservative or any similar topic only for you Order Now Who can stand for election? 21 years of age or over. British, Commonwealth or Republic of Ireland Citizen. Must be nominated by at least 10 registered electors of that constituency. If representing a party, consent must be gained. If you are not representing a party, you are classed as ‘Independent’.  £500 deposit when registering, refundable if you receive 5% or more of the vote. A prisoner serving 12 months or more in custody can not stand for election. Just for Local: An individual can stand if they are a member of a European Union Nation Candidate Selection Process If standing as an Independent representative, there is no selection procedures. Existing MPs are usually approved to stand when being re-elected. Political parties generally have more representatives than seats. Political parties vigorously select potential candidates to improve their chances of winning. The selection process is similar to selection for the Uniformed Public Services. Sift of C. V, personal statement, application form and aptitude tests. Local interviews sometimes take place. Shortlists consisting of only women have been known to take place. What do you think about this? Period of an election Mayors typically keep their post for 1 year. Councillors up to 4 years. MP’s up to 5 years. After these periods, they must either stand down or be re-elected. Types of voting Polling office, usually a church hall, school or a community centre. ‘First past the post’- an individual steps in to a booth and casts their vote anonymously by making an ‘X’ next to the candidate they wish to vote for. Postal voting. Voting by Proxy. Internet voting. In order to be a DEMOCRATIC society, the representatives who serve on our behalf both Locally and Nationally must be elected by the people of the Nation. General Election Maximum term for a parliament is 5 years, 3 weeks. Tends to occur every 3. 5- 5 years. The Prime Minister decides when the election will be. Local and General 1-5 years depending on the position held: The party in power at the time decides when the election is to be held. (Within a 5 year period). Party in power has the chance to change things just prior to the election- generally things like lowering taxes. Why would they do that? Superior funding for larger parties such as Labour and Conservative. Independents and smaller parties are at a disadvantage. Influence of Political parties Political campaigning TASK Create a Political Poster for your party (Chosen at the start of the session) Other ways of campaigning: Tv Radio Newspapers Posters Personal interviews Public meetings Leaflet distribution First Past the Post (Westminster and Local Elections) Additional Member System (Scottish Parliament, Welsh Assembly and Greater London Assembly) Supplementary Vote (Mayor of London) Single Transferable Vote (Northern Irish Assembly) List System (European Parliament) Different election processes Basis of British electoral system Very clear cut and well defined Candidate with highest number of votes wins FPTP is used in both general and local elections First past the post Advantages of First past the post It allows decisive political change. By providing an outright winner, the system ensures that a party has a mandate to carry out its programme. Easy for the voter to understand. Strong links between MP and constituents, due to single member constituencies. Strong single party governments. The winning Party may not have won the overall majority of votes cast. The chance of anomalous results is increased. Encourages the tactical voting technique, known as ‘compromising’. Disadvantages of Firstpast the Post Voters must rank candidates on the ballot paper in order of preference If a candidate receives 50% or more of the first preferences, they are elected If not then the candidate with the lowest number of first choices is eliminated and their second choices distributed to other This continues until one candidate has a clear majority The Alternative vote Ensures the winner has a majority Strong bond between candidates and constituents is maintained Removes issue of wasted votes Extreme left or right wing parties would be unlikely to get enough support to be elected Does not give parties proportion of seats there votes have earned Time consuming and more complex than FPTP. This is a system which tries to match the proportion of votes cast with the proportion of seats a party receives For example, under PR, if you received 35% of the vote you should get 35% of the seats in parliament Represents wishes of voters as a whole Minority parties end up with fairer share of seats Increases opportunities for independents Can be difficult if no party has clear majority Can lead to unstable coalition governments Proportional representation TASK 2 As a member of the coalition government you have been tasked by the Cabinet to look at the various electoral processes available after Liberal Democrat election promises to reform the voting system in the UK. The leaflet will then be distributed to the general public. This is a highly controversial subject as Conservatives promised not to reform the voting system whilst Liberal Democrats vowed to make the system fairer. As such your leaflet needs to be as descriptive and in depth as possible so that the public can form their own opinion on which voting system they prefer. In the form of a leaflet you should: Explain electoral processes used in UK elections (P3) and Compare the electoral processes used at different levels of government in the UK (M2). GUIDELINES FOR ASSESSMENT TASK 2 When explaining the electoral process for P3, learners only need to include one election process and ensure that they clearly identify to which level of government it relates. The explanation should be detailed in its content and will be expected to identify the complete process from the initial application to stand for election to the declaration of the vote, including the voting system that is used. Evidence for M2 must include a comparison of the election process for the elected representatives for at least two levels of government. How to cite Lindsey Weightman Electoral Process Conservative, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Dabbawalas Performance

Question: Discuss about theDabbawalas Performance. Answer: Introduction The success, efficiency, and performance of a given company depend on many factors. First, it depends on the effectiveness of the system and the way they attend to customers. Every company should have a measure that determines if their performance objectives are met. The company should be able to meet the operational performance goals. These operational performance targets include; costs, quality, flexibility, speed and dependability (Fielt 2011). Dabbawala Service has demonstrated ability to meet these performance goals of operation as explained below. Quality Performance Objective According to researchers, quality is more than just conforming to a given specification. It involves how well a product performs according to the intended function, how the features meet the expected desires and the reliability of that service or product (Fielt 2011). The product or service should meet the customers' needs and should be worth the amount paid (Jacobs and Chase 2013). The services offered by Dabbawala meet quality performance objective because they meet the customer needs. These services meet the intended function because they are delivered between 12 midday and 1 pm which is the time for taking lunch (Slack, Chambers, and Johnston, 2010). Speed Performance Objective Fielt (2011) explains that the speed performance goal refers to pace at which services are delivered to the customers. It depends on how often and rapid the company provides its services. It may also refer to the time the services are received and whether they get to customers on time. Dabbawala meets this objective because of the speed they use in ensuring that the customers get their lunch on time (Slack, Chambers, and Johnston, 2010). They have a schedule that ensures that lunch boxes are delivered on time. These schedules are well outlined, and this makes every person play their role as expected of them. Dependability Performance Objective It refers to the company's operations being dependable. It involves delivering the services on time and conforming to the agreed costs and prices. It also includes the ability of the services meeting their expected use and the consistency of the service over a considerable amount of time. The Dabbawala service has been in operation for a long time now (Slack, Chambers, and Johnston, 2010). The service is said to be reliable because it has a remarkable record that is almost flawless especially when it comes to delivery. Fewer errors are encountered since the workers are accustomed to the local areas they collect from or deliver (Chenet, Dagger, and O'Sullivan 2010). Flexibility Performance Objective It involves being able to adjust to new requirements quickly. The Dabbawala Service is flexible since they can improve their delivery services to new customers (Slack, Chambers, and Johnston, 2010). The fact that the workers know the area well means they can easily deliver the lunch boxes to the new customer without any confusion arising (Kumar, Batista, and Maull, 2011). The schedule also has a range of time meaning you can drop your lunch box between 7-9 am depending on the time of convenience. Cost Performance Objective The Dabbawala service has an excellent price performance in that it has allowed its customers to pay the fee monthly (Slack, Chambers, and Johnston, 2010). It is way better than having to pay the fee daily. It is also cost effective since the customers receive direct delivery and they do not have to travel or take a train to go collect the food (Chenet, Dagger, and O'Sullivan 2010). Dabbawalas Service Dependability The Dabbawala service offers an incredible dependable service. Mumbai being one of the most densely populated city means that traffic jams do occur (Slack, Chambers, and Johnston, 2010). Therefore, Dabbawala saw an opportunity and came up with the brilliant idea of delivering the lunch to the various workplaces. This service is dependable since it ensures that the process is repeated day in, day out (Chenet, Dagger, and O'Sullivan 2010). The service involves delivering the lunch boxes to every individual workers office at lunch time. The boxes are then collected after lunch and returned to homes to wait for the delivery process on the next day. The service conforms to a particular schedule, and this makes it reliable (Kumar, Batista, and Maull, 2011). The boxes are collected within the speculated time, are transported within a particular period and delivered to the customers at the expected time. According to the research done on it, the service has proven to have 99.9999% dependability (Slack, Chambers, and Johnston, 2010). It is a very high value of reliability, and this is what has increased trust by the customers. The service has a well-established record of being almost flawless despite weather conditions in Mumbai that are characterized by the monsoons (Slack, Chambers, and Johnston, 2010). The fact that the service delivers are accustomed to the local areas means that they can quickly identify places of delivery without many errors. They can provide the services to the right customer at the right time without losing time trying to figure out the offices (Chenet, Dagger, and O'Sullivan 2010). They also have a proper time management which has been the key to their success. The company has also incorporated new technology such as SMS and us of their website, and this has increased reliability and dependability from their customers. Main Threats to the Service Despite the services being offered by Dabbawala being dependable, reliable and almost flawless, it has a few loopholes that could result in its downfall (Slack, Chambers, and Johnston, 2010). The most crucial one is the fact that they do not have a system of documentation. Documentation is essential especially when it comes to recording keeping. It enables one to know the number of customers, and their records (Chase 2012). With these records, they can improve their services and know better ways of handling their clients. The fact that the company relies so much on the delivery men means that failure by one to perform their tasks could result in a problem. The company has a lot of customers, and this means that it has to employ many deliverers to ensure efficiency. It could be costly for the enterprise due to costs incurred to pay every deliverer (Chenet, Dagger, and O'Sullivan 2010). However, if for instance, they had an organized system and well-distributed offices, the delivery co uld be improved. Finally, the service is operated by low-tech and little use of modern technology (Slack, Chambers, and Johnston, 2010), which means that if a company using advanced technology could arise, it could give the Dabbawala service a great competition and most customers are likely to shift to the new corporation. The company is unlikely to expand because of the challenges due low-tech. The workers mark the boxes, and this could result in huge errors. The fact that these boxes change hands up to four times could also mean that it might be inefficient (Cho, et al. 2012; Slack 2015). Reference List Chase, J., (2012)Operations management. Tata McGraw-Hill. Chenet, P., Dagger, T.S. and O'Sullivan, D., (2010) Service quality, trust, commitment, and service differentiation in business relationships.Journal of services Marketing,24(5), pp.336-346. Cho, D.W., Lee, Y.H., Ahn, S.H. and Hwang, M.K., (2012) A framework for measuring the performance of service supply chain management.Computers Industrial Engineering,62(3), pp.801-818. Fielt, E., (2011) Business service management: understanding business models. Jacobs, R. and Chase, R., (2013)Operations and supply chain management. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Kumar, V., Batista, L. and Maull, R., (2011) The impact of operations performance on customer loyalty.Service Science,3(2), pp.158-171. Slack, N. (2015).Operations strategy. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Slack, N., Chambers, S. and Johnston, R., (2010) Operations Management. Harlow, England: Financial Times Prentice Hall.