Friday, February 28, 2020

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 148

Assignment Example There 155 units are supplied to the market at that price. Results are shown in the table in Q.2 An increase in demand as a result of a decrease in prices without a corresponding change in supply will push the demand curve upwards and hence result to a shift of the demand curve to the right, that is, from D to D2. An increase in prices will reduce the consumer’s purchasing power and hence shift the demand curve downwards to the left; from D to D1 as shown by the arrows. An increase in prices will result to an increase in supply and this shifts the supply curve to the right from S to S2. A decrease in prices decreases supply shifting the supply curve to the left from S to S1. The shift is shown by the arrows, demand remains constant. The equilibrium moves to the left incase of a decrease in supply and to the right in case of an increase in supply. An increase in both supply and demand will expand the market resulting in an increase in both the prices of the goods and also the quantity of goods supplied and demanded. The equilibrium shifts to the right (William 12). A decrease in both demand and supply will contract the market leading to lower prices of goods and lower quantities of goods traded. Hence the equilibrium price and quantity shifts to the left (William

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Applicationof nursing process to delivery cultural competent care to Research Paper

Applicationof nursing process to delivery cultural competent care to Haitian Americans - Research Paper Example The immigrants faced a huge test of survival in the new lands. Most of the Haitians, however, had fled to France. This was because of the French policy of assimilation, which saw most educated Haitians go to France. Over time, the number of Haitians living in the US has increased. According to the 1990 census conducted in the United States, there were more than 290,000 Haitians in the United States (Zephir, 2004). This figure, however, does not include the tens of thousands who live in the US illegally. Being of the black race, and with the historical racial segregation of the US, the Haitians have always faced a huge task of being accepted into the community. Like most other Blacks, they have faced political as well as social discrimination from the whites of the United States. This made survival for the Haitians a very difficult endeavor. Today, however, the Haitian Americans as well as other ethnic groups from the black race are a strong part of the American