Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Analysis by Comparison and Contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysis by Comparison and Contrast - Essay Example The success of Prezi is based on user friendliness and nonlinear arrangement. PowerPoint uses linear model of approach which involves the use of da straight model of operation. Despite the differences, the two offer exceptional platform for information presentation and sharing leading to the increased graphic definition of the problem. Power point presentation The power point approach uses the linear model of presentation with the data being presented in a slide format that encourages the development of the systematic approach. The slides are in numbers with the main focus being on the presentation of information in a series approach. The success of the information presentation is dependent on the ability to present to hybrid the different text and images in the process developing a conclusive presentation. The slide layout can be chosen by the presenter using the design tab with the layout styles being already. The PowerPoint presentation brings with it a challenge when the amount o f data to be presented is too large. The slide dimensions are thus limiting the number of words and graphic sizes that can fit into the slide. The slide presentation and arrangement become complex when dealing with the problem of a combination of data and text. The stack layout of the slides makes the navigation and editing a single profile approach, with the main focus of the slide being on the presentation. The PowerPoint presentation cannot be shared online with ease owing to it being computer based. The beauty of the approach allows autonomy of each presentation and encourages ease of access. However, when dealing with academic materials that need to be shared, power point offers a poor approach when looking at web information sharing. The success of PowerPoint is dependent on the approach and purpose of the presenter and not the software itself. The beauty of PowerPoint is on the success of offering a variety of printing options for the presenter to sue. Additionally, it offers an opportunity to add support information in the notes section in the main presentation (Anderson-Williams, 2012, p. 47). Despite the success of the PowerPoint presentation software, in depicting the information presented. Several challenges exist in the process of combing several graphic types in to the presentation. The success of PowerPoint in data and information sharing is based on the success of the office suite which is of other support software. However, PowerPoint still needs to be upgrade to support the use of social media and share information. The inability to share information in an open format is impossible, but as a file is possible. Such approaches fin the file format does not allow for accessibility because the user will need to download the data before accessing the information. Prezi The major difference between PowerPoint and Prezi is the approach. Prezi uses anon linear approach that is not applicable in many lectures, but may be applicable to the other situati on such as the combination of the various resources. The nonlinear approach of the presentation software can be harnessed by building up a formidable bank of resources and links that cover the desired topic. The approach makes the situation better because it can bring several options in the presentation. The combination of the various resources on the presentation can then is online and provide the necessary information to all accessing the

Monday, October 28, 2019

How to Avoid Being Sleepy Essay Example for Free

How to Avoid Being Sleepy Essay Check with the doctor if you have to take medicine for your medical condition and it should not interfere with your sleep. †¢ Maintain a healthy diet. Remember to stay away from too many sweets. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. †¢ You can take a vitamin supplement rich in iron and B12 – check with your doctor first. †¢ Try to relax. Stress and anxiety causes you to lack of sleep at nights and this will only make you feel sleepy the following day. †¢ Feel positive. Work on your feeling of enthusiasm, so you can release positive energy in you and lessen your sleepiness. Just focus on your work and think of the good result of doing a good job out of it. If you still feel sleepy most of the time that it hampers your productivity as a person, you might as well have yourself checked by your doctor. You may have a more complicated problem about sleep, so it is best to do this at once. Source: Health Guidance| 6 Powerful Ways to Stop Being Tired by Brad Isaac on August 16, 2007 One of the more common complaints I hear from people is how tired they feel all the time. I too experience times where I am tired and fight sleepiness. Being tired obviously decreases motivation and causes you to feel like you aren’t at 100%. Being tired might even cost you money! That’s why in order to beat tiredness it’s a good idea to have a plan. Here’s my 6 point plan to beat daytime tiredness: 1. High aerobic exercise *- I’m not talking about a leisurely walk after dinner, I am saying some high intensity stuff. If you find yourself wanting to doze during the day, then you need to increase your aerobic exercise. It increases your blood flow, decreases standing heart rate. You’ll be relaxed more during the day, sleep better at night and feel more energy. John Wesley at Pickthebrain. com says he gets his exercise in the morning and it works for him all day. Personally, I find that either morning or evening works for me. Just depends on the season. So I’d recommend, in the beginning at least, to be flexible and find the right time for you. 2. Cut the sugar – Are you drinking sugar in your coffee or morning beverage? It could be making you tired. When I switched from sugar to honey, I noticed a difference in my energy level that week. Plus, an old farmer’s tip says eating honey from your local bees helps to do away with sinus allergies. Worth a try anyway. Also avoid sugar snacks during the day. Many office workers bring in treats to share with everyone like doughnuts, cakes, ice cream. Just say no. Avoid these sugar traps that zap your energy. 3. Eat a good breakfast – by â€Å"good† I don’t mean Fruit Loops or a Danish. Grab some protein, eggs, low fat toast, granola, yogurt. Skipping breakfast sets you up for a mid morning crash. Plus, you’ll be starved and eat more for lunch (see point #4) 4. Eat a light lunch – This advice comes from Benjamin Franklin. He noticed that his co-workers would gorge themselves at lunch and then have an afternoon of sleepiness. He chose instead to slowly and methodically eat a hunk of bread as he read a book. 5. Take time during lunch for you – which is the second part of Ben Franklin’s advice. While he slowly ate his bread he’d take â€Å"Ben time† by reading a book. By taking a full break from the reality of work in this way, you can come back from a â€Å"mini-vacation† refreshed and ready to take on the afternoon. 6. Cat-nap – If you have a flexible schedule you can nap when you get tired. The key with this is not to nap too long. A 1 to 2 hour nap will make you more tired. A 15 minute nap or caffeine nap will wake you up and prepare you for the rest of the day. Sometimes you can squeeze in a 15 minute cat nap during lunch. Other times you might have to wait until after work. Either way, a nap can refresh and rejuvenate you. Tips on Preventing Sleepiness Below are then few simple ways on how nurses may take to prevent sleepiness while on duty. These ways have been taught immeasurable times already, but I just felt the need to assert these as well. 1. Take a power nap. In numerous studies, taking naps have been found to increase alertness and improve performance. However, taking naps may not be allowed during breaks or meal periods among nurses. They can then take a nap before their shift starts. Naps should be short though (no more than 45 minutes) to reduce awakening from deep sleep and prevent sleep inertia. 2. Consume caffeine. Although caffeine has earned its bad reputation with regards to health, it also has been found to be an effective stimulant in increasing alertness. It just needs to be taken properly. Drinking coffee or tea must then only be done at the beginning of a shift or about an hour before an anticipated sleepiness. Additionally, caffeine must not be taken at least 3 hours before bedtime to prevent the possibility of insomnia. Most important, caffeine must only be consumed when needed, and not on a regular basis or when alert. 3. Drink plenty of water. Water helps prevent dehydration, which increases the feeling of drowsiness. Water should be taken then even when not yet thirsty, to stay energized at work. 4. Go into the light, literally. Light has been found to increase alertness. Sunlight is the most effective; however, artificial light in different levels are also found to induce alertness. Nurses on night duty may then go into well-lit areas for several hours during the shift. 5. Get enough sleep. Enough said. How To Avoid Sleep While Studying? I can still remember when I was in college, studying during exams was like hell and what used to make it worst was my falling asleep. Exams are near and to get good grades, we decide to study for long hours. We decide that the best time to study is the night time, but we cannot stop ourselves from sleeping while we are studying. (Especially in subjects like History, Science, Biology, etc. ) These subjects are too boring to keep us awake.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Déjà vu: The Past in the Present :: Psychology Psychic Essays

Dà ©jà   vu: The Past in the Present "...parapsychologists think dà ©jà   vu is a glimpse into a past-life. The event did happen similarly before, you just happened to die between the occurrences." (2) The mysterious nature of dà ©jà   vu does not only lie in the experience itself, but in its definition. The sole unity of truth is the direct French translation - 'already seen.' In general, the phenomena can be summed up as experiencing the past in the present. It is "an uncanny feeling or illusion of having already seen or experienced something that is being experienced for the first time." (3) The dà ©jà   vu experience is puzzling because it often leaves people disoriented and searching for explanations. In fact, it is a fairly common occurrence with 70% (a higher rate is reported between the ages of 15 and 25) of the population reporting that they have felt dà ©jà   vu at some point in their lives. (2) The frequency of the experience has left specialists scrounging for information. There is an evident absence of truth, as expressed through varying opinions from psychologists, scientists, neurobiologists and spiritual healers. The nature? The cause? No one seems to be point ing to a definite answer. Some widely discussed causes appear to point to the brain's temporal lobes, past memory, wish fulfillment or temporarily mismatched connections in the brain. Emile Borac who was greatly interested in psychic phenomena first utilized the term dà ©jà   vu. (3) The connotation used refers to the past, while the nature of the experience is clearly positioned in the present reality. It is ambiguities such as these that spark debate over the nature of the actual dà ©jà   vu experience. Hence several definitions of dà ©jà   vu have arose, all emphasizing different aspects of the experience. Arthur Funkhouser, Ph.D. and Vernon Neppe, M.D., Ph. D. have performed extensive research on the various types of dà ©jà   vu. Funkhouser seeks to clarify dà ©jà   vu and remove it from inaccurate associations. He claims that there are three forms of dà ©jà   vu: dà ©jà   vecu, dà ©jà   senti, and dà ©jà   visite. Dà ©jà   vecu is most similar to the widely acknowledged definition of dà ©jà   vu. It is the feeling that the present scenario has been experienced in the past - the details are identical and it is possible to predict what will happen next. While in the midst of dà ©jà   vecu, the detail of the experience is astounding, and the person is conscious that the present scenario conforms to their memory of it.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Fundamentals of Rocket Science :: physics rocket science

Liftoff Rocket engines are different from car or jet engines in two fudamental ways. 1. Unlike cars, rockets don't need to "push off" of anything to propel themselves forward. 2. Rockets are self-contained. In other words they don't need oxygen from the atmosphere to provide fuel for energy. Rockets operate using the law of conservation of linear momentum. This law states that whenever two or more particles interact, the total momentum of the system remains constant. In this case the shuttle and it's fuel can be considered separate particles. A rocket moves by ejecting its fuel out the nose at extremely high velocities (approx. 6000 mph). The fuel is given momentum as it is being ejected. To insure conservation of linear momentum, the shuttle must be given a compensating momentum in the opposite direction. Rockets move exactly like Dr. Newman would if he were on a sheet of ice with 3 million pounds of baseballs throwing them at a rate of 22,000 lbs/sec. Actually Dr. Newman would move quite a bit faster, because he has MUCH less mass than the space shuttle. To quickly summarize, thrust is equal to the exhaust velocity multiplied by the amount fuel leaving with respect to time. This is illustrated by the equation: Thrust = ve(dM/dt) This tells us the only way to increase the amount of thrust acting on the rocket, is by increasing the velocity of the exhaust, or the amount of fuel, M, leaving per second. * This is why space shuttles don't hurl baseballs out the back of the rockets. It's takes a lot of energy to accelerate a baseball to 6000 mph! Rocket Scientist (they don't call them that for nothing) prefer to use the ideal gas law: An ideal gas is one for which PV/nT is constant at all pressures. * Fuel and an Oxidizing agent, usually liquid oxygen and hydrogen respectively, are forced into the combustion chamber where they are ignited. The temperature increases which forces the pressure in the chamber to increase to insure PV/T remains constant. Volume inside the chamber is constant so: Pi/Ti = Pf/Tf, => Pf = PiTf/Ti Using Bernoulli's equation we can determine the velocity of the gas exiting the Nozzle: Ve = Ac[2(Pc - Pn)/(p(Ac^2-An^2))]^(1/2) where V = velocity, A = cross sectional area, P = pressure, p = density of the fluid, and n,c = defines Nozzle and Combustion Chamber respectively. The final step is to find the rate the mass is being ejected (dM/dt).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

English Poem Analysis Essay

In this poem, Pablo Neruda is talking about life, and how he feels that it is an insignificant business. He talks about life after death, saying that nobody keeps what they have and says that life is nothing but a ‘borrowing of bones’. The best thing he claims to have learnt from life is that one should not have too much of either joy or sadness, but experience both in equal quantities. He feels that his being happy was a punishment, a condemnation that caused him to plunge into the sorrows of others, and to share with them their sorrow. He says that he did not do this for fame or for money, but because he could not live in the shadows, the shadows of other people. He says that we can heal our own wounds by weeping and singing, but in front of us lie thousands of others who are in constant suffering. He feels that his business on earth was to fulfil his spirit, the happiness he felt with the sum of all his actions. It gave him great joy to bathe in the sea under the sun, and in the very foam of the sea, his heart which lay dying was seeped into the sand. The poet makes use of immense imagery in all his works. There is no poem written by Pablo Neruda, which is lacking imagery. It is one of the most common literary devices used by the poet. And this is one such poem where he has used various kinds of imagery to illustrate his thoughts.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Your Study Guide to Italo Calvinos Invisible Cities

Your Study Guide to Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities Published in Italian in 1972, Italo Calvinos Invisible Cities consists of a sequence of imaginary dialogues between the Venetian traveler Marco Polo and the Tartar emperor Kublai Khan. In the course of these discussions, the young Polo describes a series of metropolises, each of which bears a womans name, and each of which is radically different from all the others. The descriptions of these cities are arranged in eleven groups in Calvinos text: Cities and Memory, Cities and Desire, Cities and Signs, Thin Cities, Trading Cities, Cities and Eyes, Cities and Names, Cities and the Dead, Cities and the Sky, Continuous Cities, and Hidden Cities. Although Calvino uses historical personages for his main characters, this dreamlike novel does not really belong to the historical fiction genre. And even though some of the cities that Polo evokes for the aging Kublai are futuristic communities or physical impossibilities, it is equally difficult to argue that Invisible Cities is a typical work of fantasy, science fiction, or even magical realism. Calvino scholar Peter Washington maintains that Invisible Cities is impossible to classify in formal terms. But the novel can be loosely described as an exploration- , sometimes playful, sometimes melancholy- , of the powers of the imagination, of the fate of human culture, and of the elusive nature of storytelling itself. As Kublai speculates, perhaps this dialogue of ours is taking place between two beggars named Kublai Khan and Marco Polo; as they sift through a rubbish heap, piling up rusted flotsam, scraps of cloth, wastepaper, while drunk on the few sips of bad wine, they see all the treasure of the East shine around them (104). Italo Calvino’s Life and Work Italo Calvino (Italian, 1923-1985) began his career as a writer of realistic stories, then developed an elaborate and intentionally disorienting manner of writing that borrows from canonical Western literature, from folklore, and from popular modern forms such as mystery novels and comic strips. His taste for confusing variety is very much in evidence in Invisible Cities, where 13th-century explorer Marco Polo describes skyscrapers, airports, and other technological developments from the modern era. But it is also possible that Calvino is mixing historical details in order to comment indirectly on 20th-century social and economic issues. Polo at one point recalls a city where household goods are replaced on a daily basis by newer models, where street cleaners â€Å"are welcomed like angels,† and where mountains of garbage can be seen on the horizon (114-116). Elsewhere, Polo tells Kublai of a city that was once peaceful, spacious, and rustic, only to become nightmarishly over- populated in a matter of years (146-147). Marco Polo and Kublai Khan In real life, Marco Polo (1254-1324) was an Italian explorer who spent 17 years in China and established friendly relations with Kublai Khan’s court. Polo documented his travels in his book Il milione (literally translated The Million, but usually referred to as The Travels of Marco Polo), and his accounts became immensely popular in Renaissance Italy. Kublai Khan (1215-1294) was a Mongolian general who brought China under his rule, and also controlled regions of Russia and the Middle East. Readers of English may also be familiar with the much-anthologized poem â€Å"Kubla Khan† by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834). Like Invisible Cities, Coleridge’s piece has little to say about Kublai as a historical personage and is more interested in presenting Kublai as a character who represents immense influence, immense wealth, and underlying vulnerability. Self-Reflexive Fiction Invisible Cities is not the only narrative from the middle of the 20th century that serves as an investigation of storytelling. Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) created short fictions that feature imaginary books, imaginary libraries, and imaginary literary critics. Samuel Beckett (1906-1989) composed a series of novels (Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable) about characters who agonize over the best ways to write their life stories. And John Barth (1930-present) combined parodies of standard writing techniques with reflections on artistic inspiration in his career-defining short story â€Å"Lost in the Funhouse†. Invisible Cities does not refer directly to these works the way it refers directly to Thomas More’s Utopia or Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. But it can stop seeming totally offbeat or totally baffling when considered in this wider, international context of self-conscious writing. Form and Organization Although each of the cities that Marco Polo describes appears to be distinct from all the others, Polo makes a surprising declaration halfway through Invisible Cities (page 86 out of 167 pages total). â€Å"Every time I describe a city,† remarks Polo to the inquisitive Kublai, â€Å"I am saying something about Venice.† The placement of this information indicates just how far Calvino is departing from standard methods of writing a novel. Many classics of Western literature- from Jane Austen’s novels to the short stories of James Joyce and William Faulkner, to works of detective fiction- build up to dramatic discoveries or confrontations that only take place in the final sections. Calvino, in contrast, has situated a stunning explanation in the dead center of his novel. He has not abandoned traditional tactics of conflict and surprise, but he has found non-traditional uses for them. Moreover, while it is difficult to locate an overall pattern of escalating conflict, climax, and resolution in Invisible Cities, the book does have a clear organizational scheme. And here, too, there is a sense of a central dividing line. Polo’s accounts of different cities are arranged in nine separate sections in the following, roughly symmetrical fashion: Section 1 (10 accounts) Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 (5 accounts) Section 9 (10 accounts) Often, a principle of symmetry or duplication is responsible for the layouts of the cities Polo tells Kublai about. At one point, Polo describes a city built over a reflecting lake, so that every action of the inhabitants â€Å"is, at once, that action and its mirror image† (53). Elsewhere, he talks about a city â€Å"built so artfully that its every street follows a planet’s orbit, and the buildings and the places of community life repeat the order of the constellations and the position of the most luminous stars† (150). Forms of Communication Calvino provides some very specific information about the strategies that Marco Polo and Kublai use to communicate with each other. Before he learned Kublai’s language, Marco Polo â€Å"could express himself only by drawing objects from his baggage- drums, salt fish, necklaces of wart hogs’ teeth- and pointing to them with gestures, leaps, cries of wonder or of horror, imitating the bay of the jackal, the hoot of the owl† (38). Even after they have become fluent in one another’s languages, Marco and Kublai find communication based on gestures and objects immensely satisfying. Yet the two characters’ different backgrounds, different experiences, and different habits of interpreting the world naturally make perfect understanding impossible. According to Marco Polo, â€Å"it is not the voice that commands the story; it is the ear† (135). Culture, Civilization, History Invisible Cities frequently calls attention to the destructive effects of time and the uncertainty of humanity’s future. Kublai has reached an age of thoughtfulness and disillusionment, which Calvino describes thus: â€Å"It is the desperate moment when we discover that this empire, which had seemed to us the sum of all wonders, is an endless, formless ruin, that corruption’s gangrene has spread too far to be healed by our scepter, that the triumph over enemy sovereigns has made us the heirs of their long undoing† (5). Several of Polo’s cities are alienating, lonely places, and some of them feature catacombs, huge cemeteries, and other sites devoted to the dead. But Invisible Cities is not an entirely bleak work. As Polo remarks about one of the most miserable of his cities, â€Å"there runs an invisible thread that binds one living being to another for a moment, the unravels, then is stretched again between moving points as it draws new and rapid pattern s so that at every second the unhappy city contains a happy city unaware of its own existence† (149). A Few Discussion Questions: How do Kublai Khan and Marco Polo differ from the characters you have encountered in other novels? What new information about their lives, their motives, and their desires Calvino have to provide if he were writing a more traditional narrative?What are some sections of the text that you can understand much better when you take into consideration the background material on Calvino, Marco Polo, and Kublai Khan? Is there anything that historical and artistic contexts cannot clarify?Despite Peter Washington’s assertion, can you think of a concise way of classifying the form or genre of Invisible Cities?What kind of a view of human nature do Invisible Cities seem to endorse? Optimistic? Pessimistic? Divided? Or totally unclear? You might want to return to some of the passages about the fate of civilization when thinking about this question. Note on Citations:  All page numbers refer to William Weavers widely-available translation of Calvinos novel (Harcourt, Inc., 1974).

Monday, October 21, 2019

Time of Death Estimation essays

Time of Death Estimation essays At the University of Tennessee At Knoxville, a two-and-a-half-acre field is dedicated to the study of human remains. The Body Farm has made important contributions to estimating the time factors involved in suspicious deaths. The field has provided valuable information in the field of forensics. Forensic Science allows investigators to unmask the secrets of a crime scene. In criminal cases involving a victim, it is crucial that all evidence be gathered to help solve the crime. One of the most important factors is establishing the time in which the crime occurred. A medical examiner will examine the victim and estimate the time of death based on a variety of changes to the body following death. The medical examiner is the most important individual in an investigation involving a victim. The medical examiner is usually a physician specializing in forensic pathology, the study of structural and functional change in the body because of injury. The medical examiner can determine if the cause of death is natural, accidental, suicidal, or homicidal. This is after the body has been looked over at the morgue, the scene of the crime or the location of death. The responsibility of the medical examiner to conduct an autopsy, examine medical evidence, study the victims history, and put together all the information in a report to be turned in to the proper authorities. The medical examiner can determine the time of death by a variety of changes to the body. The most common factor to determine the time of death is rigor mortis. Right after death the body begins to stiffen. The average amount of time for this to begin is two to three hours. The stiffness shows up in the face, lower jaw, and neck and after twelve to eighteen hours spreads throughout the body. Rigor mortis can last up to thirty-six hours before the body begins to go limp again. The most utilized time of death indicator is known as Ocular. Th ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

5 Ways to Stay Focused and Stop Procrastinating

5 Ways to Stay Focused and Stop Procrastinating Procrastination, whether at work or home, is common to human nature. Sometimes, it might be procrastinating about small things such as taking your favorite suit to the dry cleaners. Sometimes, it may be something more important such as being late to turn a report in at work. There are tips that might help you to alter your mindset and remain focused. In the end, these small changes can break your procrastination habit as you find yourself getting much more accomplished.   Looking at the Big PictureWhen faced with a large project, it is sometimes simpler to break it up into sections so you can focus on one part at a time. By doing this, the task seems less overwhelming. Start with the hardest part first, and the rest will be easier to complete.  Set a Personal DeadlineMaybe you actually do have an office or home deadline to meet. For example, that big project for your boss is due on a certain date. At home, maybe your child needs help with a science project. By setting your own pe rsonal deadline ahead of the actual due dates, you will not be rushed to finish the project. Gather things together first, keep it organized and set yourself a schedule to do the work.  Schedule Your TimeTo avoid being overwhelmed, you can schedule ten-minute breaks each hour. It gives you time to get something to drink, stretch your legs a bit and collect your thoughts. Write down what you want to accomplish each day and stick to the schedule. Once you are able to see the progress you are making, you’ll be encouraged to keep going. Eventually, you may no longer need those short breaks.  Remove DistractionsIt can be difficult to keep your mind on what you are doing when you are faced with distractions. When you work at a part-time computer job, the Internet is a big distraction. You have to learn to ignore it, and save the Internet for when you have reached your goal for the day. Your mobile phone letting you know that you have messages or calls is one of them. Place your cell phone a few feet away or, better yet, in another room while working and try to resist the temptation to pick it up. An extended texting session or repeated phone calls can eat up your work time.  Plan Ahead for the DayYou’ve been working for a while and get the munchies. Trips to the pantry for a snack can cut into your productivity, especially since that trip to the kitchen can take several minutes. It might be a good idea to prepare snacks for the following day, and place them beside you while you work.  Procrastinating can keep you from finding that ideal job, but TheJobNetwork can do the job searching for you, which leaves your time free to do other things. By entering your job interests and qualifications, you will receive matches for jobs as soon as those jobs become available. TheJobNetwork works around the clock to see that you don’t miss any opportunities to find a great position. All you have to do is enter the types of jobs you are interested in, a nd list your qualifications to get alerts when jobs pop up.When you sign up for job match alert you won’t miss any opportunities.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Analysis of grammatical structures Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis of grammatical structures - Assignment Example Using metaphors and personification The grammatical dissemination of sentential structure explores metaphorical development. This extension is fully explored by complementing the domain discourse evidently demonstrated in the extract. â€Å"Blocked out the July sunlight in a small dark room that smelt of ashtrays and disappointment† July sunlight represents a correlative construction of a noun and the sentence is also personified†¦ dark room that smelt of ashtrays. These two contingent structures propel the image of the sentence and provide the complex extension of the two-part sentence. The sentence path undertakes subsequent proceeding with initial reaction of non-standard English being meaningfully applied. The prerequisite of the metaphor offers systematic reduction of the actual meaning of the sentence and it creates the typical grammatical category needed to vaguely generate completeness in the domain of space and time. The noun established in the passage also defines typical grammatical inconsistencies. The language is quantified and it hosts critical path which is rationed in order to reduce subsequent link between the relative statements and the positives of the language. Yet grammatically the provision for categorizing the noun is equally determined by the actions relative to Scott’s personal speech and the referential functions. Ideally, these sentences are consistent with the works of Joan et al, (1994) and Bernard, (1996). For the constrained sentences, the specific modifications are relevantly ideal and the constructs of the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Commodity chains Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Commodity chains - Essay Example Production and demand of shoes by consumers are the two main elements focused by companies in the industry. The production factors that include land, capital and labor influence the manufacturing of these commodities. Before globalization, many companies were unable to take advantage of cheaper investment and labor costs in other countries. Luckily, it has now become a norm for shoe companies to invest in other countries due to trade agreements and economic integration. The materials utilized in making of shoes poses a threat to the environment as production is characterized by use of energy, chemical, greenhouse gas discharge, water and solid waste. In the past ten years, however, the company has strived at utilizing environmental friendly alternatives to various resources that are incorporated in the production of shoes, such as cotton, leather, polyester and rubber. This has significantly reduced environmental implications of the materials (Michie 268). The production of footwear is handled by contract factories situated in various countries notably in Asia due to the available raw materials and low production cost. The production of shoes is conducted in two stages as the primary level involves the extraction of raw materials vital in the production process. A pair of shoes incorporates various materials including rubber, leather, plastics, adhesives and conventional cotton. In the production process, some of the raw materials come from close proximity with the firm or from other countries. This is because the raw materials including cotton and rubber are often imported from counties oversees. Leather is a product of farm animals, as rawhide is purchased by companies from farmers and is eventually transformed into leather that is vital in the production of shoes (Michie 268). Many companies own facilities in Indonesia, Thailand and Netherlands where the production of leather is

Coca-Cola in India Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Coca-Cola in India - Case Study Example Coke’s initial response to the allegations that were brought against it by the Indian state could easily be defined as combative. As such, a combative response to such allegations hardly ever proves to be effective as it oftentimes appears that the firm is attempting to hide something rather than engaging actively to ameliorate the problem. Some of these dismissive/combative responses from Coca Cola I have included below: This is perhaps the most salient of the questions due to the fact that Coca Cola has an uphill battle on its hands with relations to public relations in India. Firstly, the company should continue to invest in the environmental infrastructure that shows the company has made a firm and continuing commitment to utilizing the resources of the host country in a responsible manner. Respecting India by being a good and fair steward of the resources exhibited therein would necessarily be a primary item that Coke must change in order to have an opportunity to regain lost market share. Similarly, refraining from participating in culturally insensitive displays such as the one that Coke engaged upon by sending the Coca Cola samples off to laboratories in England to be tested rather than in India is another important step. Similarly, Coca Cola will need to be mindful of the actions of its supply chain members as any one of these can negatively tarnish the image of the company. Furthermore, Coca Cola must cease and desist building bottling operations in areas that are prone to any level of desertification. Additionally, Coca Cola must be much faster in response to such a type of criticism in the future. By actively confronting an issue and working to fix whatever failings the firm might have, the level of customer trust is more or less retained. Similarly, focusing too heavily on the changes rather than actively pursuing to win back consumer

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Singapore Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Singapore Model - Essay Example Singapore’s description of state capitalism is that the government has controlling shares in various public corporations and issue funding through the sovereign wealth fund (SWF). The SWF is state-owned capital funds used for real and financial asset investments in stocks, bonds or other alternative ventures. The funds are applied universally from export revenues or foreign exchange reserves in the custody of the central bank. Considering this, Singapore attracts multinational organizations to take the global SWF benefits. The country also imposes business friendly regulations that favor the establishment of multinational organizations. The Singapore’s capitalism Model incorporates the private and public-owned companies towards an overall contribution to the economy (Tajuddin 54). The availability of the SWF has enhanced domestic investment in which the local industries are capable of manufacturing large-scale production. As a result, the state-owned companies transform into global enterprises that serve other regions with quality products. It is apparent that the SWF contribute to government social spending without raising taxes because they represent the budgetary surplus owned by the central bank. Similarly, the SWF does not have international debts accrued from government borrowing. The country creates SWF in order to boost economic activities inspired to promote the state-owned enterprises. Singapore depends on services and manufacturing exports, with little government interference.

Consumer behaviour report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Consumer behaviour report - Essay Example Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 List of Figures and Tables 4 Introduction 5 Problem Statement 5 Research Background 5 Research Limitations 7 Literature Review 8 Theory of Planned behaviour 8 Automobile Industry 8 Key Insights 11 Research Methodology 12 Research Design 12 Research Methods 12 Data Collection 12 Primary Research 13 Secondary Research 14 Findings and Analysis 15 Findings 15 Primary Research 15 Secondary Research 19 Proposed Marketing Strategies 21 Conclusion 25 Reference 26 Appendix 1 Questionnaire 28 List of Figures and Tables Figure 1 Theory of Planned Behaviour 8 Figure 2 Age 15 Figure 3 Gender 16 Figure 4 Source of Information 16 Figure 5 Factors influencing buying decision 17 Figure 6 Preference of Hybrid car 18 Figure 7 Reasons of hybrid car selection 18 Table 1 Secondary Desk Research 14 Introduction Problem Statement To understand the factors affecting consumer behaviour and consumer decision making process for the hybrid car products. Research Background A utomobile market is flooded with various choices of models to cater needs of consumers of different categories. There are many companies like Toyota, Ford, GM, Honda, Suzuki and others operating in the global market place and serving varying needs of consumers and markets. ... Ford is a well established brand name in the premium segment. The trend of manufacturing of environment friendly hybrid cars which reduces the level of pollution resulted from the traditional cars and engines have increased. Increasing awareness created demand for such environmental friendly products. Toyota has launched maximum number of successful variants in this category. At the same time other companies are following Toyota to gain from this growing segment by developing their own hybrid products. Lesser carbon di-oxide emission and higher environmental friendly nature increases the social acceptance of such cars. However there are technical limitations of these cars where researches are continued. The main hybrid variants available in the market place are the Toyota Prius, Honda Insight, and the Honda Civic Hybrids. Research Aims Research aim is to study consumer behaviour of the prospective automobile buyers for the hybrid cars in the Australian automobile sector. Research obj ectives: To understand the factors that affects the consumer decision making process To explore the marketing mix strategies adopted by the marketers in the marketing of different hybrid cars. Research Rationale This research helped in studying various aspects of the consumer behaviour for the hybrid car segment and developing a better strategic approach for the marketing of these products. Research Limitations Time, resource and location based restrictions are the primary set of limitations. Within the scope of study, researcher tried to fulfil the research aim and objectives. This study can be furthered for in-depth study on deep analysis of the focus of companies in hybrid car segment and capturing changing trends in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Singapore Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Singapore Model - Essay Example Singapore’s description of state capitalism is that the government has controlling shares in various public corporations and issue funding through the sovereign wealth fund (SWF). The SWF is state-owned capital funds used for real and financial asset investments in stocks, bonds or other alternative ventures. The funds are applied universally from export revenues or foreign exchange reserves in the custody of the central bank. Considering this, Singapore attracts multinational organizations to take the global SWF benefits. The country also imposes business friendly regulations that favor the establishment of multinational organizations. The Singapore’s capitalism Model incorporates the private and public-owned companies towards an overall contribution to the economy (Tajuddin 54). The availability of the SWF has enhanced domestic investment in which the local industries are capable of manufacturing large-scale production. As a result, the state-owned companies transform into global enterprises that serve other regions with quality products. It is apparent that the SWF contribute to government social spending without raising taxes because they represent the budgetary surplus owned by the central bank. Similarly, the SWF does not have international debts accrued from government borrowing. The country creates SWF in order to boost economic activities inspired to promote the state-owned enterprises. Singapore depends on services and manufacturing exports, with little government interference.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Final Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Final - Term Paper Example Nobody knows for sure how change will turn out. To a certain extent, nothing is permanent except change itself. This should perhaps remind all of us how to cope with change and adopt to it. Some people adopt to change quite remarkably well, while others flounder and get left behind because of a different attitude towards change. Management scholars, change experts, and talented academicians have studied change and its effects on people, on how to manage the change process to make it a positive outcome, or on how to teach people to adapt and accept change as a positive event that will bring new options or opportunities for those quick enough and astute enough to embrace change as beneficial. The conventional wisdom is that people resist change because it implies chaos and uncertainty. However, a paradigm shift is needed to make people realize how change brings with it a new set of opportunities, the chance to start afresh and the option to wipe the slate clean, so to speak. Some peopl e definitely thrive when exposed to change because they are quick enough to grab the chances presented by change when old rules no longer apply and new ones are just now being implemented. The change process can be managed efficiently only if people open up their eyes and their minds to the benefits that change brings. Change can be a positive event because it brings progress for humankind in ways unimaginable but only if it is steered in the right ways. Discussion Since change is inevitable and oftentimes unavoidable too, people should be ready at all times to adopt and adapt to whatever changes are coming their way. Human recorded history is a continuum of constant changes over the centuries and cumulatively, all those changes can now be seen in the way human civilization has progressed over several millennia. Change itself can be evolutionary (gradual) or revolutionary (abrupt) depending on the circumstances but change is happening all around sometimes without people consciously knowing how change is proceeding. Some people will resist change because they prefer to stay in their comfort zones and be happy with the present way of doing things while some people embrace change for new opportunities it brings. This dichotomy in people's responses is starkly illustrated in the two groups of friends who discovered their cheese was missing; Sniff and Scurry were able to adapt and went about searching for new cheese, while another group (Hem and Haw) just waited for the cheese to just re-appear somewhat magically for them, without them doing anything (Johnson, 2003). Change can be managed actively and steered towards a desired outcome if people will be strong enough to do so. In other words, people can influence change in ways that are positive for them in the long run if they want to, all it takes is just personal willpower and political will to achieve positive change. It means people need to be proactive for change to succeed for them or otherwise, change will f orce people to adapt or wither away. This had been the case of most of ancient civilizations in the world, which achieved their heights and peaks of development but in the process, an unexpected change or event came along to which these civilizations were not able to adapt and caused their decline while new societies came along which prospered with change. Put differently, a person can be an active participant by being a change agent himself or choose to be a passive bystander watching all the change events affecting his own

Contemporary International Problems Essay Example for Free

Contemporary International Problems Essay The United States of America experienced various disputes and wars in its history. Some of these armed conflicts do not only take place within their boundaries because there are also some battles that they have to fight in another country’s territory. The reasons for engaging in such warfare may either directly or indirectly involve the U. S. However, one thing is sure, that in the country’s every participation there is a certain interest that its officials want to fulfill. This kind of situation is what exactly took place in the U. S. ntervention in the Vietnam War. The U. S. government wants to achieve a certain national interest that will work for their benefits. The Vietnam War started in 1954 when the Communist-led parties of the Vietnamese Nationalist and the Vietminh army defeated the French forces. France was forced to recognize North Vietnam as communist while leaving the Southern part of the country as non-communist. Nevertheless, the U. S. did not approve this situation especially the establishment of communist leadership in North Korea. President Dwight D.  Eisenhower ordered the establishment of political machinery in South Vietnam. This includes creating a government that replaced the French leadership as well as deploying military advisers that will train the South Vietnam army. The Central Intelligence Agency of the U. S. also employed psychological warfare in order to weaken North Vietnam. The United States government explicitly expressed its participation and commitment in the Vietnam War when they ordered continuous air bombing in North Vietnam by means of the Tonkin Golf Resolution. The war ended in January 1973 through a diplomatic agreement that resulted in the U. S. withdrawal from Vietnam in exchange for the release of U. S. prisoners (Rotter, 1999). The intervention of the U. S. in the Vietnam War is part of their national interest of establishing democracy in different countries and controls the spread of communism. During the Cold War two conflicting forces are involved namely: the Communist bloc and the Democratic bloc. The U. S. leads the Democratic group, which is why they are doing all the necessary means to combat communism. Their intervention in the Vietnam War is an effort to stop other Asian countries from following the principles of communism especially since Ho Chi Minh is the one leading the Northern part of the country (Rotter, 1999). The American government believes that communism is an enemy because it defies every value and principle that the U. S. upholds such as: free trade and democracy. In relation to this the operations of the U. S. against the Communist bloc is largely dependent upon their belief in the Domino Theory. The Domino Theory is similar to a set of dominoes wherein toppling one of it will result for the others to follow suit. In the same manner, Vietnam represents the first domino that toppled down. The U. S. deemed that if they will not intervene in the Vietnam War other countries in the Southeast Asian region would also adhere to communism (Rotter, 1999). Another reason for U. S. involvement in the Vietnam War is their goal of influencing other countries to follow the path of democracy and adhere to the values and principles that the U. S. stands for. By doing so, the U. S. ould be able to win their battle with the soviet bloc and at the same time establish their position as the world’s superpower. The U. S. government encouraged other countries to follow their ideals by giving military and economic aid to them. This is observable when they helped France in maintaining its Indochina colonies. The U. S. also applied the Domino Theory in acquiring more countries in their side. They think that by showing other countries the development of France, they would choose democracy over communism, as this would entail more benefits for them (Rotter, 1999). The U. S. intervention in the Vietnam War clearly shows that the country tend to intervene in others’ affairs in order to accomplish their national interests. The U. S. government used the resources that they have in order to pursue their objectives. They took advantage of the conflicts that is happening in the other parts of the world so that they could defeat the soviet bloc and control the spread of communism. In doing so, they were able to emerge as one of the most powerful countries in the world.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Impact of the Manhattan Project

Impact of the Manhattan Project How the Manhattan Project changed the world Nuclear weapons. Some love them, others despise them. Some say there use was necessary to win World War 2, others think that their use was the product of overzealous nations looking for war. There are multitudes of arguments that surround this deadly weapon. The start to the first developed and working nuclear weapon are all tied to the Manhattan project. What forces were behind the decisions to drop the bomb? What were the the immediate effects of the bomb? What were the effects years later on the world? The Manhattan project was the code name for a secret experiment That was conducted in America During the time period of World War 2. A group of refugee scientists which included Enrico Fermi, Leo Szilard, and Albert Einstein, Realized nuclear reactions were possible, and could be weaponized. Albert Einstein wrote a letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was the President at that time. †Some recent work by E. Fermi and L. Szilard, which had been communicated to me in manuscript, leads me to expect that the element uranium may be turned into a new and important source of energy in the immediate future. Certain aspects of the situation which has arisen seem to call for watchfulness and, if necessary, quick action on the part of the Administration. I believe therefore that it is my duty to bring to your attention the following facts and recommendations: In the course of the last four months it has been made probable through the work of Joliot in France as well as Fermi and Szilard in America that it it may become possible to set up a nuclear chain reaction in a large mass of uranium, by which vast amounts of power and large quantities of now radium-like elements would be generated. Now it appears almost certain that this could be achieved in the immediate future. This new phenomenon would also lead to the construction of bombs, and it is conceivable though much less certain that extremely powerful bombs of a new type may thus be constructed. A single bomb of this type, carried by boat and exploded in a port, might very well prove to be too heavy for transportation by air. The United States has only very poor ores of uranium in moderate quantities. There is some good ore in Canada and the former Czechoslovakia, while the most important source of uranium is the Belgian Congo. In view of this situation you may think it desirable to have some permanent contract maintained between the Administration and the group of physicists working on chain reactions in America. One possible way of achieving this might be for you to entreat with this task a person who has your confidence and who could perhaps serve in an unofficial capacity. His task might comprise of the following: a). To approach Government Departments, keep them informed of the further development, and put forward recommendations of Government action, giving particular attention to the problem of securing a supply of uranium ore for the United States. b). To speed up the experimental work, which is at present being carried on within the limits of the budgets of University laboratories, by providing funds. If such funds be required, through his contacts with a private person who are willing to make contributions for this cause, and perhaps also by obtaining the cooperation of an industrial laboratory which has the necessary equipment. I understand that germany has actually stopped the sale of uranium from Czechoslovakia mines which she has taken over. That she should have taken such early action might perhaps be understood of the ground that the son of the GErman Under secretary of state, Von Weizsacker, is attached to the Kaiser-WIlhelm-Institut in Berlin where some where some of Americas war on uranium is being repeated.† Einstein This letter is one that Einstein wrote to FDR, had a hand in creating the Manhattan project. In this letter Einstein clearly outlines that an atomic bomb is theoretically possible, and that the United States should begin research into this new deadly power, and that Germany may be researching it as well. At that time very little was known about the theoretical bomb other than it would be highly destructive. In 1940, FDR made $6,000 available to start research of this new technology. By 1945, at the end of the project, the cost had grown to around $2 billion. Within those years, 2 years were used to invent a method to make fissionable uranium or plutonium. By summer of 1945, enough fissionable plutonium had been created to make a bomb. The first ever atomic bomb was dropped at 5:30 am on July 16, 1945, at a test field in Alamogordo air base, 120 miles from Albuquerque, New Mexico. The bomb produced a blast power of between 15,000 and 20,000 tons of TNT, and fused the surface of the gr ound up to 800 yards away to glass. J Robert Oppenheimer said this about the new deadly weapon. â€Å"The atomic bomb made the prospect of future war unendurable. It has led us up those last few steps to the mountain pass; and beyond there is a different country.† (Brainy Quotes 1) A month afterwards, two more bombs that were produced by this project, which were later dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Editors of (Encyclopedia Britannica) Between the time of the bomb just being a concept that some scientists discovered up to the time of the end of World War two there were two Presidents in office. The first was FDR, and the second was Harry Truman. FDR authorized, and started what became the Manhattan project after he received a letter from Einstein telling him of an amazing but scary new technology, but The decision of whether or not the bomb should be used to try and end the war was most likely the hardest thing President Harry Truman ever had to do. The Americans were tired after 4 years of fighting, and the Japanese had a standing army of 2 million strong on there last islands. Before the 2 bombs were dropped the Allies asked for unconditional surrender, which was turned down by the Japanese military, but there was some indication that a conditional surrender might have been possible. Trumans answer to why he did it was to save lives. It sounds contradictory but experts say that an estimated 1 million casualties w ould have happened on the allied side in a Normandy type landing that would have been staged to enter Japan. Truman also said he was in the end saving more Japanese lives as well. Scientists at the time did not realize how dramatic the effects of radiation sickness were, so at that time Truman saw little difference in atomic bombing Hiroshima than fire bombing it. â€Å"The atom bomb was no great decision. It was merely another powerful weapon in the arsenal of righteousness.†Ã‚  (Brainy quotes) Some say there were other motives in using this bomb as well. Critics said that the bomb was not only the final shots of World War 2, but the beginning shots of the Cold War. us page The approximate casualty numbers are difficult to determine due to the chaos and destruction that inused the bomb that decimated such things as hospitals and other government installations. The atom bomb named Little boy was dropped on Hiroshima, 135,000 out of the 255,000 existing population became casualties. 66,000 of those 135,000 were wounded fatally while the other 69,000 were injured. These numbers are more than double those from the bomb that was detonated in Nagasaki. The casualty numbers in Nagasaki were 64,000 total, with 39,000 deaths and 25,000 being injuries.The top cause of death from the explosion in Hiroshima was burns at 60%, with fall debris being the second at 30%. The causes of causalities in Nagasaki were 95% burns and 5% other. Henry pg 12 The burns caused by the bomb were called â€Å"flash burns†, because they were caused in tenths of a second. These burns are very similar to severe sunburn. The burns only occured on exposed or lightly clothed skinned. These burns were reported to have occurred up to 13,800 feet away from ground zero in Nagasaki. There was even a confirmed case of a newspaper that was 1  ½ miles away from the explosion had only its black letters burned out of the paper .Henry pg 17 Injuries caused by radiation included epilation(loss of hair), bleeding into the skin,inflammation of the throat and mouth, diarrhea, fever, and vomiting. Platelet (coagulation agents) numbers were also reduced, which caused any bleeding to be more prolonged than normal. Deaths from radiation poisoning started about 1 week after exposure, peaked in weeks 3 and 4, then they were nonexistent by week 7 to 8. Henry pg 24 One man (William o. Morse) sent a letter into a paper saying â€Å" the bomb is precisely what war is today. . . a senseless, dirty, brutal operation†. This kind of outright bluntness and honesty was rarely seen in other people, who were more subtle than outright saying that the Japanese deserved to die. A few weeks after the first bomb was dropped, a poll was taken of the American publics reaction to the bomb, and 85 percent said that dropping the bomb was a good idea. Diana steele After the war The Soviet Union wanted guarantee that such slaughter wouldn’t happen in the Soviet Union again, so they set out to spread Communism to the countries around them. Joseph stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union at the time was ruthless. â€Å"Death solves all problems no man, no problem†. (Brainy quotes 3) America could not sit by idle as this happened, so this is how the Cold War was started. The Cold War was the biggest concern of our government for the next 50 years. Also, Germany was divided into four sections, each to be de-Nazified and democratized. Russia Elected a communist regime in the east, to create a buffer so Russia could not be invaded. Winston Churchill called this the â€Å"Iron Curtain†. The war also created the UN. Examination of the period between World War 1 and World War 2 showed a lack of international communication and spirit. A strong body of nations like Woodrow WIlson had envisioned was required to keep countries from ripping each other apart, thus the UN was born. Nuclear weapons have been with us since the 1940’s, and will most likely be with us till the extinction of humanity. All of these things stemmed from Einsteins idea of a research group for this new nuclear technology, that became the Manhattan project. The bomb was created under the watch of FDR, then Harry Truman, who decided to drop the bomb. The bomb resulted in being more horrible than predicted, and wrecked havoc where it was dropped. Even today whenever war is mentioned, nuclear weapons almost always come to mind, and are something that is feared deeply. Citations Primary resources 1 Brainy Quotes. 1 Bookrags media network. web page. 5/1/14 2. 1 Brainy Quotes. 1 Bookrags media network. web page. 5/1/14 3. 1 Brainy Quotes. 1 Bookrags media network. web page. 5/1/14 4 Einstien, Albert. F. D. Roosevelt August, 2, 1939. szilard couldn’t convince enrico that the a bomb was possible and he wouldn;t conduct experiments. He then turned to albert einstein. Einstein then turned to president roosevelt with the issue, and urged him to take action . secondary resources 1. Diana Steele. users.dickinson. 1. dickinson. web site. 3/3/2014. This secondary source gives information about how certain people and the general population reacts to the use of this weapon. 2.Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica. 7. Encyclopedia Britannica, may 12, 2006. web. 3/4/14. From this article i am obtaining information pertaining to the scientists who started the manhattan project and what the project accomplished. 3.Henry Lewis Stimson. columbia. 1.Columbia University in New York, letter. 3/3/2014. august 6, 1945 a special b-29 called enola gay dropped the first atomic bomb ever on hiroshima. the government censored reports coming from hiroshima coming to america. 4.(Hitoshi Takayama). atomic bomb museum. 1. Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, 2006. Medium of publication. 3/3/14. . 5. n.e. atomic archive. 1. AJ Software Multimedia , N.d. web. 3/4/14.5. This source give information about treaties after the bomb and the destructive effects it had on the world. This is a secondary source. I am gathering information about the casualty number, cause of death, and mortality rate. 7. 1. 2014). web page. 3/3/2104 America was very weary of the war by the time the atomic bomb was finished. The allies first asked the japanese for surrender, but without mention of a new or very devastating bomb. after the 2 bombs were dropped the japanese surrendered 5 days after.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

Mid Term Assignment - Genzyme HIMP6170 – Professor Aditya Pai Shweta Harwalkar (ID: 212294831) 2/13/2014 â€Æ' Company / portfolio for analysis (Refer to Appendix 1, 2, 3 & 4) Genzyme Corporation (Genzyme), a subsidiary of Sanofi-aventis, is a biotechnology company which is principally engaged in developing products and services for rare genetic disorders. The company has its operations worldwide with its principal concentration in the US and the UK. Genzyme is headquartered in Massachusetts, the US. The parent company, Sanofi, is a global and diversified healthcare leader. Genzyme is currently organized into two business units – Rare Diseases and Multiple Sclerosis. ïÆ'Ëœ Rare Diseases: Focusing on uncommon and underserved medical conditions, the Rare Disease business unit is currently focused on three medical areas: †¢ Genetic Diseases - Pioneering Solutions to Lysosomal Storage Disorders – Orphan drugs †¢ Endocrinology - genetically engineered version of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) †¢ Cardiovascular Disease - inherited disorders, such as familial hypercholesterolemia, a genetic and potentially life-threatening form of severely high cholesterol that often doesn't respond to traditional treatments ïÆ'Ëœ Multiple sclerosis: Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease that affects each person differently, with symptoms ranging from numbness in the limbs or forgetfulness to paralysis or loss of vision. Revenues and growth trends (Refer to Appendix 5) Sanofi acquired Genzyme for $20.1 billion. â€Å"New Genzyme† was successfully integrated resulting in sales growth of 16.9%. Sales for Fabrazyme ® (agalsidase beta), a treatment for Fabry disease, nearly doubled. Sales for Myozyme ® and Lumizyme ® (alglucosidase alfa), indicated in Pompe d... ...better compensations Shareholders A leader in orphan drug market will attract more shareholders Genzyme must increase economic value created for shareholders Retail Chains Reducing the retail chain can help Genzyme sell at lower price or have higher profit Changes in the retail chain system will probably affect the profit margin of the drug Government Work closely with the government to make sure that the orphan drugs are available in that country/market Government regulates the price of drugs - If Genzyme does not lower the cost of orphan drugs, then it is very likely that government will set a lower price, which will cut Genzyme’s profit Other rare disease associations Communicate effectively and work closely with these rare disease associations Most rare diseases do not have treatment available - High pricing will prevent some patients from getting treatment

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Expository texts Real Gorgeous by Kaz Cook :: essays research papers

Features and rhetorical devices of non fiction text encourage responses from the reader, how do they do this ? We are often bullied into doing things against our will, this could also be said of expository texts which aim to inform, instruct and explain but importantly to persuade. They use shock value to force us to look at our values, attitudes and ideologies. When devices such as statistics, personal touch, persona, language and case studies are used the responses from the reader will have been deliberated by the author, Who uses these features to illicit the desired response. Looking at articles such as Real Gorgeous, The other country crisis and Columbine it is obvious to see the many features and devices that have been carefully positioned to encourage responses in the reader.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Almost all statistics do not consider the varying factors contributing to the study. When reading a text containing statistics the reader feels they are attaining the hard facts, this however could not be further from the truth as Rod Quin points out with the example of the text Manhood written by Steve Biddulph. Biddulp states â€Å"One in seven boys will experience sexual assault by an adult or older child before the age of eighteen.† Reading this the audience will feel outraged or sympathetic towards men, Quin however asks us to consider the â€Å"rest of the â€Å"facts† that â€Å"one in a hundred girls will experience sexual assault by an adult or older child before they reach eighteen† that’s five times the rate of men. While the statistics are convincing it is also the source they come from that can encourage a response from reader. They will feel the â€Å"fact† is more credible if it comes from a well known source. The Other Country Crisi s by Stephen Scourfeild states that â€Å"According to the Bureau of statistics, Australia has once of the highest rates of youth suicide† Once again the reader is not seeing all of the facts, yet the source from which the statistic come from is credible and well known. With this in mind the readers response will still be swayed because we are taught to trust authority. The author has triumphed in encouraging the desired response. It is always more pleasant and enjoyable to read something that appears to be personal or sympathetic. Real Gorgeous by Kaz Cooke is a perfect example of manipulative language. The text encourages the reader to feel comfortable with themselves that they are fine â€Å"the way they are† .

Friday, October 11, 2019

Perception Essay Essay

When we look at something, are we all seeing the same thing? Perception is the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. It is the way in which something is regarded and understood. Metaphysicians, Logicians, Political and Social philosophers have thought about perception since the beginning of history. We all perceive; our sensual organs discern information the way they are designed to however, do we see differently because we all interpret what we see differently? One of the major senses is sight. This sense allows us to see by simply reflecting light onto one of our organs. The complex part however is the decoding of the information that is reflected. Our minds interpret the light that is reflected and turn it into information for us to sense our environment. It can be argued that the processed information is not always true. One example of this idea of flawed information would be the Rubin’s Vase form, which was developed by Edgar Rubin, a Danish psychologist. The visual effect generally presents the viewer with two shape interpretations, each of which is consistent with the image. The viewer is meant to see two images; one being two humans facing each other and the other is a vase. This form is an illusion and is created by the mind. The fact that there are two images seen to us does not mean that one of them has to be wrong. There is no wrong or right, it is just how our brains interpret the information. It can be considered that these interpretations are affected by our lifestyles and societies. Interpretation of the same image also changes from person to person. If looked on a bigger scale, these changes are affected from differences in cultures and paradigms. Color is also a major variable in testing perception after illusions. Do we see colors differently? One of BBC’s most fascinating shows: â€Å"Do You See What I See† explores this question. In the English language, there are distinct words to describe specific colors. â€Å"Green† and â€Å"Blue† describe specifically the wavelengths received by our eyes, color is after all just waves. 2 circles made up of 5 green squares on the left side, and 4 green squares and 1 blue square on the right. When the same image was shown to villagers from northern Namibia, they couldn’t pick out the blue square on the right however, picked out the  slightly different green colored square on the left. Any kind of conclusion can be made from this research. For example, because of less vegetation in Namibia, the habitants have a more fragile sense of color when it comes to green. They can differentiate very easily. Further research shows that there are many other factors affecting color perception including peoples’ moods, memories and feelings. Everybody sees the same wavelength but every individual sees a different color. Emotions also play a vital part in creating a perception. When we are filled with our emotions, we tend to be out of control of things. We always think that what we believe is always right no matter what the circumstances are. One great example of such behavior is the emotion of love. When we are deeply in love with a particular person, our understanding of happiness changes into only being oriented around them. The same thing goes for if we dislike somebody. Everything they do annoys us. This is generally referred to as â€Å"Emotions taking over†. The senses are accompanied by other senses to further prove that something is correct. A person sees a yellow pencil inside a glass of water. The pencil is curved and it is therefore perceived by that person that it is that way. However when the person removes the pencil from the water by touching it, it is understood that the pencil was not curved after all. This is a common allegory used by philosophers to explain how senses are used together to perceive. The person touches the pencil in order to feel its texture and therefore disprove his interpretation through sight. Other senses such as hearing, smelling and tasting are also used in accompaniment to seeing. It can be reasoned that people use different sense with sight and end up seeing something else in accordance to someone else. In conclusion every person’s skill to see is the same. Every person has the ability to receive light and process it into information however; the decoding of this information is different in each and every human being. Illusions show us something that is not there or alters the image we see. Our minds process it in the most useful way for us to perceive. As other sight related perceptions, it can be debated that every person sees  illusions differently according to what they have learned over their life. This is closely related to the way our societies are built. Our minds and our perception are affected by our teachings from our societies. What we see and what we perceive is rendered in order of usefulness to our environment and us. Emotion is also majorly related to perception. It can be debated whether our perception affects our emotions or whether our emotions affect our perceptions, however it obvious that our emotions play a vital part in what we see.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

New Hire Communication Essay

Welcome to Apple, as a new hire I would like to introduce you to our Company culture and our process. As the new manager at Apple, you’re expected to follow our rules and regulations and train new employees according to the regulations enforced by the company. Company Culture At Apple, we are innovative, futuristic, high-tech, and terminated to reach our business goal of $10,000 sales per week. Our high-tech products are unique from cellphones, laptops, watches, and robo-pets. Our company is unique because we allow our employees to be creative and productive, we give them an opportunity to flourish with the company. Company Process Our Company Process to reach our sales goal of $10,000 per week is to have 90% close ratio. We have the most top selling products for the past three quarters, it’s important that we keep our numbers up and ask our customers what they like about our products and what else would other products that they would be interested in purchasing. Once finalizing a sale the customer is to receive a coupon book of various other products that we sell with the company. All sales are documented in our systems and a second receipt is kept within the register. Company Procedures Depending on the product the customer purchased, at Apple we show the customer how to use their device and to maintain it for a long life span. For instance, if the customer purchases an Iphone we show them how to  operate the device and downloads any apps they may be interested in and show them how to setup their emails, contacts, and etc. We show clients how to search and download apps that help them maintain their lifestyle. We help the client login in to their emails so they have them on hand without the use of a computer. If the customer had another phone we help them retrieve their contacts without the hassle of reentry. The iphone also comes with Siri who helps the user navigate through the phone or any question the researcher may have. Siri can call your contact, research information, and even offer the client a weather update. As our new manager at Apple, you are expected to follow our procedures and regulations and train all new employees to do the same. Our company is innovative and unique we offer our clients the best products available to them and build client relationships for future business with them.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

How to maintain effective accountability in project management Essay

How to maintain effective accountability in project management - Essay Example Hence, since most projects are implemented by teams whose heart is performance delivery, project managers need to be accountable to their teams and other project shareholders by ensuring they are empowered and dynamic. Accountability is undoubtedly one of the most important factors involved in the critical path of ensuring project managers account for the efforts of his or her team. The need for accountability in project management is to make sure that all finances and project resources are well utilized throughout a project life cycle (Barron & Barron, 2011). Hence, the ability of project managers to easily avail project data to the clients is important for ensuring good client relationships are maintained as well as establishing trust in the used methodologies. Therefore, accountability is very important to the involved teams because it ensures accountability is kept amongst project team members, a situation which prevents resentment in the project as well as helping to maintain mo rale (Gunlach, 2009). However, in order to make sure that accountability is maintained in project management there are issues which must be focused on throughout the project period. Firstly, one of such things involves maintaining effective communication within the project team and other stakeholders such as the sponsors or clients (Barron & Barron, 2011). Thus, since project management is usually a team effort, emphasis should always be placed on collaboration and communication in order to make sure everyone involved in the project can appropriately account for the allocated resources such as funds, labour, time, and so on. The significance of communication on maintaining effective accountability in management of projects is because it allows fast and easy process of making enquiries where some issues are not well understood. In addition, it also facilitates easy way of responding to concerns raised by colleagues in the project team as well as sponsors of the project or clients. Th erefore, in order to ensure accountability throughout the life cycle of a project, effective communication should be emphasized on because it is the only most important tool for the manager of the project and his or her team members (Gunlach, 2009). This is due to the fact that apart from helping in addressing concerns by team members and clients it also facilitates an easy way of addressing other obstacles to the project such as overlapping responsibilities, changes in project scope, complex integration as well as decentralization of the decision-making processes all of which pose potential conflicts in the project (Ten Step, n.d.). Secondly, maintaining effective accountability in management of any project requires establishment of the necessary project controls whereby planning plays the most significant role (Barron & Barron, 2011). This is mainly because it has been ascertained through experience, that planning for a project long before it commences lays the groundwork for acco untability from the project managers and project team as well as ensuring successful completion of the project. Thus, maintaining effective accountability in management of any project and its successful implementation and performance are highly depended on appropriate planning (Gunlach, 2009). In addition, execution of a project is

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Non compliance in doing homework assignments between group therapy Dissertation

Non compliance in doing homework assignments between group therapy sessions for substance abuse and depression - Dissertation Example Ries et al. (2009, p.762) state that patients with substance abuse who comply with the group therapy sessions and complete their homework assignments experience positive treatment outcomes and thus are less likely to drop out of the treatment. They state that â€Å"integrated supportive group therapy in a randomized trial has shown a differential effect on treatment retention in subjects with severe mental disorders and substance use disorders†, and homework compliance is the adherence that comes as one positive outcome of group therapy sessions for such patients. Reinecke (2010, p.54) maintains the idea that clients with depression are less likely to adhere with the â€Å"in-session exposure† which makes them non-comply with homework completion. He states that the cause for this is that the in-session exposure of a depressive client or one suffering from anxiety involves others observing him doing homework, which he is already anxious about, thus enhancing his anxiety into social anxiety disorder. However, Reinecke affirms that homework compliance is an important bridge between the in-session activities and change of client’s attitude toward life, especially for patients with depression, anxiety and substance abuse. He suggests that the client’s behavior of homework non-compliance should be addressed very early in the therapy. Cruess et al. (2010) found that the patients reported that they non-comply with the between-session homework because of â€Å"lack of receptivity to details regarding their medical illness†. Lien et al. (2010) studied in their research the relationship between the substance abuse group therapy sessions and patient compliance. They found that what motivates the patients to comply with the completion of between-session homework is the clinical outcome which they want to see as their health benefits. According to them, â€Å"patients balance expected benefits and costs during a treatment episode when deci ding on compliance† and hence comply with the standards if they seem to be benefitting from the treatment since the Lien et al. observed that those patients who were progressing were less likely to not complete homework, not show at or drop out of the sessions. Similar conclusions have been approached by Guardiano, Weinstock and Miller (2011) who have found that patients of substance abuse are at high risk of non-compliance with homework completion or attendance at group therapy sessions due to which they have to suffer from negative consequences. They have proposed an adjunctive psychosocial intervention that will reduce noncompliance in substance abusers. According to them, â€Å"The intervention involves brief in-person sessions and follow-up phone contacts with the patient and a significant other/family member.† They state that this intervention will improve the effects of group therapy on substance abusers by helping enhance the relationship between them and the pr ovider thus motivating them to attend the group therapy sessions while adhering to the homework completion. Abramowitz et al. (2009, p.104) have suggested that patients can be motivated to comply with homework completion in group therapy sessions by encouraging â€Å"self-controlled exposure† so that patients are motivated â€Å"to perform more exposure exercises†. Mausbach et al. (2010) studied relationship between depressive clients’ homework compliance and group therapy outcomes and found

Monday, October 7, 2019

Outline for renewable energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Outline for renewable energy - Essay Example This also ensures energy security. Renewable energy is, therefore, sustainable. Renewable energy also creates employment opportunities due to the fact that the labor and materials needed to establish and sustain renewable energy facilities need workmanship. This also boosts the economies of regions making use of renewable energy sources. Renewable energy is also considered safer, compared to the safety concerns and risks such as explosions associated with fossil fuels and collapsing of coal mines. Before the development and extensive use of coal as a source of energy in the 19th century, almost all the sources of energy that were used were renewable. Wind and solar energy were among some of the oldest sources of renewable energy in history, apart from biomass. European Union countries are considered number two in the world when it comes to developing and applying renewable energy (Bradford 3). These countries include Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal and Lithuania. 20% of Germany’s energy needs, by the end of 2012, were provided by renewable energy. The largest contribution of this was from wind energy. Portugal also heavily relies on renewable sources. In 2010, more than 50% of the electricity generated in the country came from renewable source, with wind energy taking a significant portion. The same could be observed in Spain, with more that 15% of the energy produced in 2010 coming from wind energy. The entire EU hopes to acquire more than 20% of its energy from renewable sources, at least by 2020. This will enable the region to reduce greenhouse emission and lessen its dependence on imported energy. It will also create more employment opportunities, as well as foster technological creativity and

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Digital marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Digital marketing - Essay Example The paper "Digital marketing" study illustrates the use of digital marketing in the â€Å"adidas Group† strategy for gaining competitive market position. Companies increasingly invent new business models–or strategies–for selling as the markets globalize, competition intensifies, and both consumers and investors become more demanding. The new business challenges of the Internet era largely stems from the globalization. Digital methods such as the real time marketing tools have become an essential part of the global business giants today. Researchers have reported three distinct waves in the direct and interactive marketing during the past 30 years namely; mainstreaming, database marketing and the Internet stage. The new horizon in the Internet stage brings fascinating opportunities for the marketers, enabling them to actually realize the goals of one-to one marketing while also encouraging them to learn, deploy, and adopt information technologies strategically. I n other words online technology and marketing have joined during the above third wave. Any business that chooses to ignore these new changes will most likely die out from the market eventually because the intensifying global competition has made it almost impossible to do any effective marketing without in some way using the technology of the Internet (Wiedemann, 2001). For example, the â€Å"adidas Group† stated its brands needed to make more relevant to the online audiences in order to propel demand. Hence the company is now engaged.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Death Penalty in Illinois Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Death Penalty in Illinois - Essay Example The main problem revolves around inconclusive evidence, which is used in criminal cases (Adriane de Vogue, ‘Illinois abolishes death penalty’). The history of the death penalty system in Illinois has illustrated that the death penalty system does not apply factual evidence that can prove an individual is guilty beyond reasonable doubt. A number of cases have proven that individuals are convicted yet the evidence provided is not conclusive, and upon further investigation, several innocent individuals are sentenced to death-row. (Long, ‘Illinois death penalty ban kicks in’) After 11 years of the application of the death sentence in the state, in 2000, George Ryan ordered suspension of death sentences, for fear of executing innocent individuals. As a supporter of the death penalty, Ryan had to change his ideology on the death penalty, because he was concerned at the number of inmates that were exonerated from the death penalty. It was clear that the problem of the death sentence was the way it was operated or utilized. In 1991, Jermain Marlow Wright was convicted for the murder of a liquor store clerk Phillip Seifert. Upon review on 3 January 2012, Delaware court judge John A. Parkins was left speechless at Wright’s conviction. ... He was convicted in 1988 for the rape of a six-month-old child (Chloe Britt), while she was in her care. A pathologist as well as the police, testified that the child was brutally raped and ripped from one end to the other. However, upon further review of the case, it was revealed that Chloe was never sexually abused, but she died from a tragic fall. Even with the evidence siding with Harvard, he is still awaiting his execution. It illustrates how the nature of evidence is used in a biased manner and conviction is based on falsified evidence and not actual evidence. Yet even with the evidence proving his evidence, Harvard cannot be released, because of the mechanisms that are used in the death sentence system. The nature of bias in the court system is demonstrated in the case of Holland v. Florida. Holland was convicted of murder, and he was allowed to appeal his sentencing within a given period. However, his attorney was late in filing an appeal within the allocated period, which wa s due to poor communication from the attorney. Holland appealed against his attorney’s misconduct, and he managed to have his conviction overturned over the technicality of his attorney’s erratic behavior. This case bas be described as a blatant attempt at trying to victimize an innocent civilian (Adriane de Vogue, ‘Illinois abolishes death penalty’). The state in the case is in violation of its application of the law, which has brought into question of the use and ruling that is applied in state courts. The nature of bias has proven to be a hindrance in the administering of the law, and it is with this reasoning that the death sentence has been abolished in Illinois. The death sentence is a legal measured that was used as a tool of

Friday, October 4, 2019

Financial Ratios Analysis of IBM 2005-2006 Case Study

Financial Ratios Analysis of IBM 2005-2006 - Case Study Example There was also an inverse increase in current liability of $4,939 ($40,091 - $35,152 million) which adversely affected the company’s liquidity ratio. This decline also reflected in acid test ratio or the ability to settle obligation immediately as it also declined by 13.492. 2. Leverage ratios analysis a. Debt to-total-assets ratio (Total liabilities/total assets) 2005 2006 % of change Total debt $22,682 $22,641 Total assets 105,748 103,234 Ratio .687 .724 5.386 b. Debt-to-equity ratio 2005 2006 % of change Total debt $22,682 $22,641 Total equity 28,506 33,098 Ratio 2.195 2.621 19.40 c. Long-term debt-to-equity ratio 2005 2006 % of change Long-term debt 15,425 $13,780 Total equity 28,506 33,098 Ratio .466 .483 3.648 d. ... Changes in liability decreased minimally but still, the increase in total assets helped drive debt to asset ratio up by 5.386 %. Since debt was almost constant in 2006, debt to equity ratio significantly went up when IBM registered a profit in the previous year, where portions of the net gain were retained as equity. 3. Activity ratio analysis a. Inventory turnover 2005 2006 % of change Net Sales 91,134 91,424 Inventory 2841 2840 Ratio 32.07 32.53 .01 b. Fixed assets turnover 2005 2006 % of change Net Sales 91,340 91,424 Net fixed assets 60,087 58,574 Ratio 1.517 1.561 2.900 c. Total assets turnover 2005 2006 % of change Net Sales $91,340 $91,424 Total Assets 105,748 103,234 Ratio .862 .886 2.784 d. Average collection period Payment terms for inventory and accounts receivable financing generally range from 30 to 90 days (IBM, 2006 pg. 79). With regard to activity ratios, IBM did a good job of maintaining its level of inventory to 2841-2840 million despite the increase in sales in 200 6 ($91,424 million). It only meant that IBM has a very good internal control and monitoring of its inventory. In sum, the activity ratio of IBM increased by 2.784 % which can be mainly attributed to its ability to maintain its inventory despite the increase in sales. With regard to collection period, IBM adopts â€Å"Payment terms for inventory and accounts receivable financing generally range from 30 to 90 days† (IBM, 2006 pg. 79). 4. Profitability ratio analysis a. Gross profit margin 2005 2006 % of change Gross profit margin 36,532 38,295 Net Sales 91,134 91,424 Ratio .401 .419 4.488 b. Operating profit margin Operating profit margin 0.134 0.146 0.012 8.95522388% c. Net profit margin ratio 2005 2006 % of change Net profit after tax 79,940 94,920 Net Sales 91,340

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Friars dress Essay Example for Free

Friars dress Essay Chaucer pays close attention to the richness of the Friars dress with: lyk a maister or pope, of double worstede was his semycope.. Even so, the Frairs appearance is innocent and pure his nekke whit was as the flour-de-lys. And althoughthis is all that is given of his physical appearance it implies that he is even more dangerous as he is a wolf in sheeps clothing and hence almost devil-like. This imagery is echoed in the monks description: He is intimating, a manly man who is ful fat and in good point, which suggests of his luxury lifestyle. The narrator is obviously intimidated by him saying And I seyed his opinion was good implying that he was afraid to oppose him and therefore indicating that the monk appears to be a man capable of standing up for himself to quite an extent, hence silencing others, who dont want to test this capability! The image of an aggressive and imposing figure does not go hand in hand with that of a monk. Indeed, the narrator states ; his eyen stepe, and rollinge in his head, that stemed as a forney of a leed. This imagery also suggests a devil-like connotation that is clearly hyperbole, but must have had a great effect on the narrator for him to use it. The sense of the varied Medevil society in trios vocation is only suble, i.e. the first stays in a convent, anther preaches about God and the last one can take confession. But where the sense of variet is more evident is in the fact that the extent to which they mix up, or rather become confused between their duty to god and their love of the more material world and its pleasures. Here the main contrast between the characters is the strength of criticism. I.e. The prioress only receives slight criticisms of minor faults but on the whole it is delivered with affection and used to poke fun at her. But the portrait of the Friar presents us with a cynically ironic view on the way that the smarmy, sly and selfish villain works. Also, the trios priorites for God become less pronounced as we move down the list of portraits. The prioress seems to think of herself as a courtly romantic saviour, but it is presented as a cute little nuance, and the monk who would rather be having fun than doing boring jobs that will turn him wood. But the reader feels that it is understandable and rather a humane reaction. But the Friar is positively working against God and defeating society.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Reasons For Strategic Decision At Thai Airways

Reasons For Strategic Decision At Thai Airways An inspired and carefully considered business strategy can be used to guide a company to achieve greater profitability and success, as it is known that strategy can be viewed as plan, ploy, pattern, position and perspective (Kourdi 2009, p3). To those companies that rely on low price to attract customers, such as budget airlines, business strategy plays a significant role in their business. However, business strategy should be based on the understandings about competition and threats in the industry, micro and macro environment factors that affect the success of their business, and strengths and competitive advantages of the company. Only can business strategy that is based on these understandings be used to achieve success of business Question 1: Reasons for Launching a Low-cost Airline with Thai Airways Tiger Airways is going to launch a low-cost airline with Thai Airways, which will target domestic and international destinations within five hours flying times distance on the basis of Bangkok (Creedy 2001). There are many reasons that Tiger Airway launched this airline jointly with Thai Airways, and the following five reasons are the most important ones: To compete effectively. It can be seen from the case that, by joint venture, it is easier for Tiger Airways to grow its business in Thailand, and will compete effectively in this region with Jetstar and AirAsia (Creedy 2001). Additional network advantages. By joint venture, it will build better network relationship with Thai Airways and may have advantages to deal with future spread risk and competition, as Thai Airways becomes a partner rather than a competitor (Creedy 2001). Additional cost advantage. By possessing 49% of the joint venture, and other 51% owned by Thai Airways, Tiger Airlways has chance to use the advantage of Thai Airways to maintain and even strength its low cost advantage (Creedy 2001). To reduce risk. By additional network and cost advantages brought from this deal, Tiger Airways is capable to face further spread risk. Pan-regional strategy. This joint venture is an important step forward in Tigers pan-regional strategy. It is noted by CEO of Tiger Airways, Tony Davis, that Bangkok is one key South East Asian gateway within striking distance of both India and China (Creedy 2001). By additional network advantage from joint venture with Thai Airways, it becomes easier for Tiger Airways to implement this strategy. Reasons for Strategic Decision Tiger Airways decision of launching a new airline jointly with Thai Airways can be considered as a strategic decision. Reasons are stated as follows: This decision affected the long-term direction of Tiger Airways. As mentioned above, this decision was an important step forward for its pan-regional strategy (Creedy 2001). This decision helped achieve advantage for Tiger Airways. Additional network advantage with Thai Airways and cost advantages were achieved by this joint venture decision. This decision expanded the activities scope of Tiger Airways to low-cost flight to Bangkok/ Thailand, and might expand to India and China as well This decision had major resource implication. It is mentioned in the case that by 2015, 68 flights would be allocated to this low-cost airline (Creedy 2001). This decision created new opportunity for Tiger Airways. By this decision, Tiger Airways became more competitive with Jetstar and AirAsia, which created new opportunity for the growth of Tiger Airways (Creedy 2001). This decision affected operational decisions of Tiger Airways. Investment in this new airline needs to be taken into consideration by Tiger Airways. Obviously, this decision can be viewed as a plan, a ploy, a pattern, a position, a perspective. Therefore, it is a strategic decision. Macro Environment Analysis PESTEL model is a good technique that can be utilized to analyze macro environment factors that affect the industries, as well as low-cost airline industry. It contains six factors which are Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental factors (Robinson 2009, p75). Political: Government instability is a major factor to the low-cost airline industry. For example, the affairs of Prime Minister of Thailand, Thaksin Shinawatra and his Red-Shirt, led to a fatal drop in tourism industry, which may decrease the customer amount of low-cost airline industry (BBC 2010). Economical: Economy recession and financial crisis affected the profitability of low-cost airline industry players. A survey carried by Airline Business indicated that although revenue didnt show decline, profitability was affected by the financial crisis. Many players encountered a loss in 2008 compared to 2007 (Dunn 2009). Social: The attitude of income distribution and balancing work and leisure are factors that cant be neglected. People who are willing to distribute their money on travelling and their free time of leisure will increase the customer amount of the industry. Technological: Technology that makes standing seats for airlines available influence this low-cost airline industry seriously. The availability of standing seats for airlines will cut down the cost of industry will make it more attractive (BBC UK, 2010). Legal and Environmental: Employment laws, competition law, threat of natural causes, carbon dioxide emission are other factors of the low-cost airline industry. Question 2: Corporate Strategy, Business Level Strategy and Operational Strategy Corporate Level Strategy According to the definition from Collis and Montgomery (2005, p8), corporate level strategy can be defined as the way that a company uses to create value through configuration and coordination of its multimarket activities. There are three main emphases of this definition, value creation, configuration and multimarket activities. It is indicated in Appendix 1 that the corporate strategy of Tiger Airways is that: To create a portfolio of profitable routes throughout Asia and Australasia by establishing airlines in market where low-fare, low cost business model has exceptional potential for sustainable profitability with ancillary services such as luggage upsize, seat selector and sports equipment check-in. Business Level Strategy One model developed by Bowman called The Strategy Clock can be used to get good understanding about business level strategy, which relates competitive advantage to cost advantage and differentiation advantage. These successful strategies can be illustrated as following levels: Low price/ low added value, Low price, Hybrid, differentiation without price premium and Focused differentiation (Angwin et al 2007, p121) All these different strategy are classified based on two factors, price and value. It can be seen from Appendix 1 that the price of Tiger Airways is low because the company implement cost leadership strategy. Besides, compare to other airlines, the value added by Tiger Airways is limited. Luggage is limited to a certain size; seat selection will be charged. Only is purchased food or drink is allowed compare to free food and drink in SIA. Thus, the activities are low value-added. Therefore, based on these two factors, the business level strategy is Low price/Low added value. Operational Strategy According to the definition of Lowson (2002, p57) that operational strategy can be viewed widely as a value delivery strategy. It is all about decisions which helps create and deliver product/service, value to customers through companies core competencies. Therefore, the main operational strategy of Tiger Airways is to maintain and enhance the core competencies of low fare/ low cost. Many decisions have been made based on this strategy: Joint venture with Thai Airways to launch new airline. Install advanced 3-D weather radar to increase efficiency (Tiger 2010) Minimize service that charges customers on customers behalf. Question 3: Porters Five Forces Analysis Porters five forces model is one of the most well-known models in business literature that produce the competitive situation in any industry (Beamish Williams 2008 pp76-77). The five forces and their relations are indentified as follows: Threat of new entrants Threat of substitutes Bargaining power of buyers Bargaining power of suppliers Intensity of rivalry Source: Caneval Ventures. Models on the dynamics of innovation. [Last accessed: Dec. 7th 2010] Threat of new entrants The threat of new entrants of the low-cost airline industry is very fierce (4 out of 5). Although the investment of setting up new airline companies is huge to those organizations which are not in the airline industry, it is feasible to other organizations which are already in airline industry to establish new companies which serve the low-cost airline industry. The establishment of Tiger Airways can be an example to support this point. Tiger Airways is partially by SIA, which is the leading airline service provider all over the world. Threat of substitutes Long distance coaches, trains, passenger ships, network and other airline service providers (such as SIA) are the main substitutes of the low-cost airline industry. It can be seen from Appendix 2 that, although the low-cost airline industry is a booming industry with high growth rate, Network airline service providers are still the main provider in the airline industry. And Long distance coaches and trains play much more significant role in transportation in countries such as China because of the poor development of air transport. Therefore, this threat is very high (3 out of 5). Bargaining power of buyers In low-cost airline industry, though customers are easy to find substitutes but these substitutes may cause higher price or take more time to reach their destinations. Therefore, the bargaining power of buyers is not so strong (2 out of 5). For example, it is clearly seen from Appendix 3 that SIA return ticket for travelling between Singapore and Hong Kong is around 100SGD expensive than that of Tiger Airways. Bargaining power of suppliers Obviously, the main supply of low-cost airline industry should be the aircrafts, and Boeing and Air Bus are the two suppliers of aircrafts to low-cost airline industry. It means that these two companies are in the position of monopoly. Therefore, their bargaining power is extraordinary strong (5 out of 5). Intensity of rivalry The intensity of rivalry of low-cost airline industry is not so fierce (2 out of 5). Although the core competency of low-cost airline players is low fare/low cost, they have regional characteristic, which means only few airline players are recognized by customers in a certain areas. For instance, in South East Asia, Tiger Airways and AirAsia are the two recognized players by customers. In conclusion of the analysis of Porters five forces model, the outcome can be summarized as the following picture. Low-cost airline industry is an attractive industry, as buyers dont have strong bargaining power, which means this market is a seller market; low threats of substitutes means low-cost airline is a good choice among the products or services. Besides, although bargaining power of suppliers is extraordinary high, every player in the industry will face this problem, and because of a booming industry with high growth rate, low-cost airline industry is an attractive industry. Question 4: Value Chain Analysis Porters value chain model is a typical value chain model, which state nine kinds of business activities (Wang 2007, p81). And these business activities are classified into assistant and basic activities, which can stated as below: Wang Weijun (2007). Integration and innovation orient to e-society. New York: Springer Science+ Business Media, LLC. p81. However, this model aims at manufacture companies. Tiger Airways is in the industry of low-cost airlines, which is a service industry, therefore, the model needs to be modified based on the assumptions as follows: All the purchases are for infrastructure development purpose. Service is produced once purchase happens. Therefore, it can be seen from the case and other information from website and Tiger Airways 2010 annual reports that the value added activities are presented as follows: In the case, it is said that by 2015, 8 flights would be allocated to the new launched low-cost airline; this is the value-added activity which develops the infrastructure of Tiger Airways (Creedy 2001). In the annual report, it is stated that all new directors to the Board are briefed by Management on the Groups business activities, strategic directions, and will be sent for external training and development programmes. This is the value-added activities on manpower resource management (Annual report 2010). By this, Tiger Airways is able to make out better corporate, business level and operational strategies for the long-term development of the company and sustain the cost advantage as well. According to the media release of Tiger Airways, in 2010, by partnering with Honeywell, the company installed advanced 3-D weather radar enhance safety and passenger comfort. This can be viewed as a value-added activity based on technology development (Tiger 2010). The annual reported stated that by renewing contracts with airports, ground services, providers and other suppliers, and purchased two aircrafts from Airbus (own rather than lease), enabled Tiger Airways to further reduce operating cost and in tune increase value to customers (Annual report 2010). According to the website, extra service is provided such as luggage upsize, seat selection and as well as related service, for example, hotels, insurance and car hire to enhance the types of service that customer can enjoy through Tiger Airways. There are many other business activities done by Tiger Airways, which enrich the value of service provided by Tiger Airways and gain wide recognition among customers, this is the exact reason helps Tiger Airways be one of the leaders in South East Asia to provide low-cost airline service. Question 5: Common Cost-cutting Strategies According to many literatures, there are many different kinds of cost-cutting strategies, for instance, rationalization, standardization, central processing of transactions, technology application and cost management strategy (OBrien Datta 1989, p165). Therefore, related to low cost carriers, the common cost-cutting strategies can be presented as follows: Rationalization. To low cost carriers, non-value-added activities are removed and only do those value-added activities remain. For example, there is one rule in Tiger Airways that only is purchased food or drink is allowed. Standardization. Another strategy is to standardize the service of low cost carriers. It can be seen for Appendix 4 that the service of Tiger Airways is standardized, as extra services will be charged by a certain price. Central processing of transactions. Crucial processes are identified by low cost carriers that need to be focus on to provide the basic service to their customers. Technology application. New technology can be applied to reduce operational cost and even reduce the proportion of risk. As mentioned above, the 3-D weather radar is applied by Tiger Airways to increase the accuracy of weather prediction to reduce unnecessary loss by reason of bad weather (Tiger 2010). Cost management strategy. This strategy is used by low cost carriers to understanding the factors that affected the cost such as fuel, labour, distribution, inventory management, purchasing, and foreign exchange (IATA Training Portfolio). Take Tiger Airways as an example, the two main business regions are South East Asia and Australia. Therefore, the foreign exchange rate between AUS Dollar and SGD is a factor that cannot be neglected Another evidence stated in Tiger Airways 2010 annual report that by renewing contracts with airports, ground services, providers and other suppliers, and purchased two aircrafts from Airbus (own rather than lease), enabled Tiger Airways to further reduce operating cost. Three Future Strategies The strategies will be given according to Ansoffs product/market matrix. Source: Berger Roland., Kotler Philip., Bickhoff (2010). The Quintessence of Strategic Management. London: Springer Heigelberg. p36. Market Penetration. To Tiger Airways, it should use activities such as advertising, sales promotion to increase seat occupancy rate, which in turn will reduce the operating cost, this is the way to build strong core competencies. Market Development. It is evident in the case that market development is a suitable strategy for Tiger Airways to reduce operating cost and company development (Creedy 2001). By adding new airlines through joint ventures with other airline companies, it will give Tiger Airways have chance to benefit from advantages of other airline companies. Diversification. There are two main types of diversifications, related and unrelated diversification. Thus, To Tiger Airways, the company may use related diversification strategy to expand its business, such as to international express business. Through this strategy, the company can reduce the operating cost. References: Angwin Duncan., Cummings Stephen., Smith Chris (2007). The strategy pathfinder: core concepts and micro-cases. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. pp121-122. Annual report (2010). Chairmans statement. [Last accessed: Dec. 7th 2010] BBC (2010). Thailand red-shirts set out new conditions. [Last accessed: Dec. 7th 2010] BBC UK (2010). Are standing seats a standing joke? [Last accessed: Dec. 7th 2010] Beamish Karen., Williams John (2008). Analysis and Evaluation. Oxford: Elsevier Ltd. pp76-77 Berger Roland., Kotler Philip., Bickhoff (2010). The Quintessence of Strategic Management. London: Springer Heigelberg. p36 Caneval Ventures. Models on the dynamics of innovation. [Last accessed: Dec. 7th 2010] Collis J. David., Montgomery A. Cynthia (2005). Corporate strategy: a resource-based approach. New York: McGraw-Hill. P8. Creedy, S. (2001), Tiger Airways to start Thai low-cost airline, The Australian, [Last accessed: Dec. 7th 2010] Dunn Graham (2009). Low-cost carriers: Ready for battle. [Last accessed: Dec. 7th 2010] IATA Training Portfolio. Cost Reduction Strategies. [Last accessed: Dec. 7th 2010] Kourdi Jeremy (2009). Business Strategy: A Guide to Taking Your Business Forward. 2nd ed. London: Profile Books Ltd. p3. Lowson H. Robert (2002). Strategic operations management: the new competitive advantage. 1st ed. Oxon: Routledge. p57 OBrien Richard., Datta Tapan (1989). International economics and financial markets. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p165. Robinson Peter (2009). Operations Management in the Travel Industry. Oxford: CAB International. p75. Tiger (2010). Tiger Airways to install advanced 3-D weather radar; first low-cost airline in Asia to use latest technology on A320s. [Last accessed: Dec. 7th 2010] Wang Weijun (2007). Integration and innovation orient to e-society. New York: Springer Science+ Business Media, LLC. p57. Appendix 1: Appendix 2: Figure 1: Airline Market Share by Type of Carrier Note: All others is primarily regional jet carriers but may include a small percentage of scheduled charter carriers. Source: M.R. Dayton, Trends and Demand in Aviation Markets, presentation at the ATCA/FAA/Nav Canada Technical Symposium, Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Transportation, 2004. Appendix 3: Tiger Airways price: SIA price: