Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Final Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Final - Term Paper Example Nobody knows for sure how change will turn out. To a certain extent, nothing is permanent except change itself. This should perhaps remind all of us how to cope with change and adopt to it. Some people adopt to change quite remarkably well, while others flounder and get left behind because of a different attitude towards change. Management scholars, change experts, and talented academicians have studied change and its effects on people, on how to manage the change process to make it a positive outcome, or on how to teach people to adapt and accept change as a positive event that will bring new options or opportunities for those quick enough and astute enough to embrace change as beneficial. The conventional wisdom is that people resist change because it implies chaos and uncertainty. However, a paradigm shift is needed to make people realize how change brings with it a new set of opportunities, the chance to start afresh and the option to wipe the slate clean, so to speak. Some peopl e definitely thrive when exposed to change because they are quick enough to grab the chances presented by change when old rules no longer apply and new ones are just now being implemented. The change process can be managed efficiently only if people open up their eyes and their minds to the benefits that change brings. Change can be a positive event because it brings progress for humankind in ways unimaginable but only if it is steered in the right ways. Discussion Since change is inevitable and oftentimes unavoidable too, people should be ready at all times to adopt and adapt to whatever changes are coming their way. Human recorded history is a continuum of constant changes over the centuries and cumulatively, all those changes can now be seen in the way human civilization has progressed over several millennia. Change itself can be evolutionary (gradual) or revolutionary (abrupt) depending on the circumstances but change is happening all around sometimes without people consciously knowing how change is proceeding. Some people will resist change because they prefer to stay in their comfort zones and be happy with the present way of doing things while some people embrace change for new opportunities it brings. This dichotomy in people's responses is starkly illustrated in the two groups of friends who discovered their cheese was missing; Sniff and Scurry were able to adapt and went about searching for new cheese, while another group (Hem and Haw) just waited for the cheese to just re-appear somewhat magically for them, without them doing anything (Johnson, 2003). Change can be managed actively and steered towards a desired outcome if people will be strong enough to do so. In other words, people can influence change in ways that are positive for them in the long run if they want to, all it takes is just personal willpower and political will to achieve positive change. It means people need to be proactive for change to succeed for them or otherwise, change will f orce people to adapt or wither away. This had been the case of most of ancient civilizations in the world, which achieved their heights and peaks of development but in the process, an unexpected change or event came along to which these civilizations were not able to adapt and caused their decline while new societies came along which prospered with change. Put differently, a person can be an active participant by being a change agent himself or choose to be a passive bystander watching all the change events affecting his own

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